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Monday, January 5, 2015

Romney supporters form pro-amnesty super PAC which includes Rubio, Huckabee & Gingrich

The GOP Big Tent? You betcha! Come one, come all, step right up. Illegals and the unlawful welcome; morality and Americanist values not needed! We want your votes and money, not your principles!

November 19, 2012

Since the re-election of Barack Obama a list of prominent Republican politicians and media figures have publicly endorsed amnesty for the many millions of illegal immigrants in the United States. The list includes Mike Huckabee, Newt Gingrich, Sean Hannity, Charles Krauthammer and Haley Barbour as well as long-time amnesty supporters Lindsey Graham, John McCain, Marco Rubio and Grover Norquist (see herehereherehere and here).

This is despite the fact that the vast majority of illegal immigrants are Hispanics, 71% of whom voted for Barack Obama). The latest move by Republican elites to demonstrate their support for amnesty and the continued Third World demographic transformation of the United States is the creation of a pro-amnesty Republican super PAC. Catalina Camia has the story for USA Today:
Carlos Gutierrez, former Commerce secretary for President George W. Bush, is forming Republicans for Immigration Reform, a new super PAC. He’s being joined in the effort by Charlie Spies, the treasurer of Restore Our Future, the primary super PAC that backed Mitt Romney’s presidential campaign.
Spies said in an interview Monday that the idea is to show Republicans who might face primary challenges that there are other Republicans like them who support a comprehensive immigration overhaul.
“We want those members to know there’s a group that will be supporting them,” Spies told USA TODAY.
Gutierrez, who was head of Latino outreach for Romney, said on CNN’s State of the Union that the new group’s goal will be to get “some sort of legalization” for the people who are in the USA illegally. Finding a path toward legalization has been one of the consistent sticking points over the years as Congress has tried to pass a comprehensive immigration bill. Republicans such as House Judiciary Committee Chairman Lamar Smith, R-Texas, oppose a path to legalization because they view it as amnesty.

Source: Romney supporters form pro-amnesty super PAC