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Saturday, June 21, 2014

Why Marxists Can't Govern

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by Al Benson Jr.

In his book Law and Liberty  the late R. J. Rushdoony had a chapter entitled The flight from life. It was about people who, unable to deal with the world as it really is, escape into flight of unrealistic fantasy, and this is what they build their lives on.

He mentioned perpetual students at universities that are ever studying but never quite able to get it all together enough to graduate and get out into the real world to work for a living.

He also mentioned Marxists, which might surprise some folks, but it really shouldn’t. Rushdoony made a cogent statement about Marx, himself, when he said: “Marx had a religious belief in the power of revolution to create a paradise on earth. The result of the destruction of the old order would be the birth of a new order.” A “New World Order?” Actually, yes, which is what today’s well-dressed Marxists have opted to call what they are trying to do (to us).

But, in spite of all the chaos and misery they have created (and still plan to create) the Marxists have failed. This is the one thing they are good at (failing) besides making life miserable for those they rule. In their vain attempt to escape reality, the Marxists may even think they are “helping” people because, after all, who could fail to be helped by their gentle ministrations–and for those that dare to refuse their help there is always the machine gun mowing down the “counter-revolutionaries”  lined up against the wall.

Rev. Rushdoony made a telling point when he said: “The root cause of the failure of the Marxist dream is that it represents a flight from reality. Marxism denies the biblical doctrine of original sin. Instead of dealing realistically with man as sinner,it holds to the neutral or even good nature of man everywhere. 

He lives under the illusion that his Marxist dream represents inevitable historical truth instead of error. As a result his mental perspective is no different than that of the insane;…as a consequence his government can produce only chaos and destruction;…” He is much like some of the politicians in this country who continue to pursue foolish economic policies like “stimulus packages” believing  that the results will be different this time than they were the last two times. 

They never are–so what’s the solution–another stimulus package. The fact that these all handsomely reward their friends has absolutely nothing to do with it–so they tell us. So the Marxists deny the biblical truth of original sin. This truth was also anathema to those children of the Enlightenment that gave us the French Revolution. And look what wonders they wrought in their improvement of the world–18th century terrorism and the guillotine! How can we fail to appreciate such great contributions to humanity?

And partly because of their flat denial of biblical truth the Marxists lack the ability to govern. Oh, they can rule alright, by fear and intimidation, they do a splendid job at that, but they are unable to govern. Look at all those countries in Africa that had previously been colonies of the European countries. Turned loose to do their own thing they, almost without exception, became one-party Marxist states as well as economic basket cases. Rhodesia is a perfect example. It used to be a country with a good living standard that actually exported food to other places. Now that the Marxists have taken over they can’t even feed themselves. Of course their policy of confiscating the land of productive white farmers and turning it over to lazy black Marxists who will not farm doesn’t help them too much. It’s yet another example of the Marxist’s flight from reality. And how much foreign aid over the decades did the West have to pour into the Soviet Union to continue to prop it up? Marxism doesn’t work, folks, it never has and never will.

How can you expect an “economic” system (really a  religious system) to work when one of its founders (Karl Marx) was so lazy he couldn’t even take the trouble to feed his family? He was so busy making the world safe for violent revolution that he didn’t have time or energy to help to put bread on his family’s table. Had it not been for his friend Engels, a spoiled, rich capitalist, no doubt Marx and his family would have starved. What a shining example for the world!

Actually, Marxism is more religious than economic because what the Marxist really wants to do is to replace God with himself. Rushdoony has observed that: “In effect, what the advocates of this socialist world demand is the right to become gods and rule over all other men.”

Unfortunately, there are many in our churches that, not having a true understanding of real history, nor a clue as to what Marxism is really all about, are all too willing to let them do that. They have no idea as to the true agenda of the Marxists and so they embrace both them and their Marxist tenets in the name of “love.”

Those in the church that understand where Marxism really comes from need to stand up and oppose and expose it for what it really is to their sleeping brethren. The Lord is in control, but He usually exercises that control through His people, and right now, they’re not much interested in the exercise. Another “Egyptian captivity” might be in view unless they start to wake up.
via RevisedHistory