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Wednesday, December 31, 2014

American Bank Bail-Ins Are Beginning


It would appear that your bank is preparing to go on a bank holiday.
No, not a vacation, but a holiday. After reading this article, you may find it prudent to check on the liquidity of your bank accounts and investment monies. Why? Because bank bail-ins appear to be commencing.

The Banks Are Not Our Friends

We are all concerned that one day we will attempt to gain access to
our money in our bank accounts and and the banks will refuse to honor the request and keep the money. From an anecdotal perspective, it appears that the day that we cannot gain access to our money is now here. There are two instances that I am personally aware of, that the banks are failing to give their customers full access to THEIR money.

Bail-Ins Appear to Be Beginning

On Monday, one man that I personally know recently attempted to
transfer a sizable sum of money (i.e. $110,000) from savings to checking to cover a check he had written for a large purchase. He attempted to move the money through online banking, which nobody should ever engage in, and was unsuccessful. He went to the bank and was subsequently told that there was a problem with his account and he could only transfer about 10% of what he intended to transfer from savings to checking. He inquired as to what the problem was and he was told that the branch did not have access to that information, only that he would not be permitted to make this transfer of funds “at this time”. Today, the charge will hit the bank and the check that he wrote is likely to bounce and will
have serious ramifications to his credit. He told me that he is returning to his bank, Chase, with his attorney.

In a more serious situation, a man who has direct deposit from his
employer to his bank account, has failed to receive his latest check.
The money was due to be paid into his account on December 20, 2014. He called his employer’s accounts payable and was told that the credit had posted on the evening of December 19. Yet, the bank has told this desperate man that they have not received his check. The check also included an end of year bonus and as such is sizable (e.g. in excess of $60,000). This means that the bank has had his money for nine days and cannot account for the money. I have advised this Bank of America account holder to contact the FBI and report this as a crime.

Both victims approached me , about a week apart, because they were both aware that I had previously written articles which are highly critical of the banking system with regard to how insolvent they truly are and they hoped I would have some insight as to what they could to gain access to their money. The purpose of this article is to fire a shot across the bow of the banks and let them know that we are raising the alarms of what is going on. Where there are two instances of bank thievery, there are two hundred cases. I am requesting that anyone with knowledge of bankster crimes against their depositors pass along this information to myself and I will attempt to synthesize the information and report on the trend curves in these matters as they are occurring.

By the way, Mac Salvo, reported this same kind of crime last month.

The Ownership of the Banking System Is In Flux

I had a significant conversation that I wish everyone in the nation who has money in a bank could have listened to. I was relating the stories of the two men who cannot gain full access to their accounts, to an individual who holds a significant position within the banking system. I approached my old friend in the hope that he could provide some insight as to what is going on and what these two individuals could do to pry their money loose.

I was informed that some of the banking system is being purchased and the sale of banking assets is happening in a very covert manner and as long as a sale is pending, a bank does not want to see fluctuations in their net worth. He also told me that there are statistical algorithms that banks have been told that they must stay
within because it impacts the baseline value of a bank in a sale. At
that moment, I experienced an epiphany. I was aware that I had knowledge which matched word-for-word what my friend was telling me.

George Soros Is the Ultimate Economic Hit Man


soros puppet obama Just over 20 years ago, international banker George Soros made his most famous investment by shorting the British pound and pocketing a billion dollars in the process.  Following this watershed event, he has become well known for moving money and then betting on stock market crashes. In several instances, Soros has been known to rig various markets to fail for his own gain as well as the gain of the international banking cartel in Basel known as the Bank of International Settlements...

READ MORE: American Bank Bail-Ins Are Beginning | Dave Hodges – The Common Sense Show