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Sunday, January 18, 2015

Admirals, generals, intel: Benghazi inquest compromised

Now let’s be honest with ourselves even if congress isn’t. Don’t believe for a minute that any of these committee members would have been selected if they were honorable, honest, and moral. Princeton Study: The Average American Has ‘Essentially Zero’ Influence Over U.S.Policy   

Gowdy’s a fraud as stated much earlier. He’s a “Me Firster” – himself first before his country. See: Rep.Trey Gowdy (R-SC) says "politics should not play a role" when appointing a Soros affiliate in the Benghazi investigative probe
'I think Gowdy has been warned away or threatened'

Published 01.18.2015
U.S. Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., chairs the House Select Committee on Benghazi

The independent Citizens’ Commission on Benghazi, or CCB, has been doing its own investigation and working behind the scenes for the past year and a half to make sure Congress does the job the executive branch has failed to do: Namely, to get to the truth of what happened and to hold people accountable.

A major step forward took place last May when Speaker of the House John Boehner, R-Ohio, announced the creation of a Select Committee to investigate, after about 190 House Republicans, under the leadership of then-Rep. Frank Wolf, R-Va., had co-sponsored legislation for just such action.

The CCB’s members include former military commanders and Special Forces operatives; former CIA and intelligence officers; as well as well-known experts in international terrorism; and experts in media and government affairs (a complete list of members is below).

In exclusive interviews conducted with 11 of the 17 members of the Commission, it is clear that while the CCB is still enthusiastic to work with Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., chairman of the House Select Committee on Benghazi, and hopeful that Boehner is serious about the investigation, various members of the CCB, speaking on their own behalf and not as spokesmen for the Commission, are expressing concerns, wanting to make sure the Gowdy investigation is not compromised by elements within the GOP.

It was a lack of trust in the congressional investigation of Benghazi that prompted the formation of the Citizens’ Commission on Benghazi in 2013. The founding members of the CCB were U.S Army Maj. Gen. Paul Vallely, U.S. Navy four-star Admiral James Lyons, U.S. Air Force General Tom McInerney (all retired) and Accuracy in Media Editor Roger Aronoff.

Gen. Vallely told WND that he believes Gowdy “has received much pressure not to get to the truth, and we are now coming to the conclusion that there is no longer any intention in Washington, by the leadership of both the Democratic and Republican Parties, to get to the truth.”

“An honest investigation into Benghazi would prove treasonous acts at the very top of the White House and the State Department, and a continuing cover-up in Congress that now involves the Republican leadership and especially House Speaker John Boehner,” Vallely said.
Among the CCB’s most significant findings, released last April in an Interim Report, was that “the U.S. facilitated the delivery of weapons and military support to Al Qaeda-linked rebels in Libya,” and that “on the day of the attacks in Benghazi, whether or not there was an official order to stand down, the result was the same. There were military assets, for example, at the U.S. base in Sigonella, in Sicily, Italy, that could have been brought to bear, and perhaps could have saved the lives of the two men killed at the CIA Annex, the scene of the second attack that night. The failure to attempt to rescue these Americans amounts to a dereliction of duty.”

The commission has found evidence that there was a stand-down order given to the Annex Security Guards at the CIA Annex after the attack began at the Special Mission Compound, one mile away, where Ambassador Chris Stevens and information officer Sean Smith were killed.

The purpose of the mission in Benghazi appears to have involved a scheme managed by U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stephens, first to supply weapons to al-Qaida-related groups and others who sought to overthrow Moammar Gadhafi, and later to Syrian rebels.

Republican leaders are covering up the White House’s offenses, some commission members believe, because the White House made them aware of the gun-running and they gave assent to it.

Gowdy proceeding ‘at glacial speed’