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Thursday, January 1, 2015

Former US firm Blackwater to train Ukrainian military for street fighting

Pay close attention reader as mercenaries, foreign as well, such as they are will in all likelihood be employed by our own government domestically on US soil.

Those that rule us will find it necessary to 'recruit' foreign despoilers(illegals, street gangs, criminals) as US veterans, active military, state guard units, local and state police, and citizens cannot be trusted to suppress their own people.

When there are an increase in the dots to connect one can begin to see how all that govt agency hoarded ammo and weapons bought with taxpayer money is to be utilized, yes? 

Sadly, there will be zero-tolerance policies for pacifists, fence-sitters and neutrals; they will not be trusted and forcefully eliminated as a threat by either side.

December 30, 18:38

The month-long program includes training in marksmanship, operations by assault groups in urban conditions, close combat and combat and logistics support for the battalion


“The private military company Academi has confirmed to the Kiev
authorities its readiness to start training an experimental battalion of 550 men as of January at the request of Ukraine’s General Staff,” the source said.

According to the source the month-long program includes training in marksmanship, operations by assault groups in urban conditions, close combat and combat and logistics support for the battalion.

The cost of instruction is estimated at $3.5 million.

“Ukraine has said it is ready to pay the money on the condition of  assistance from the Ukrainian association Patriot, providing technical
and financial support for the project,” the source said.

The Ukrainian military will be trained at the Yavorov centre.

Earlier this week Russia published a new version of the military
doctrine, which for the first time identified the activity of foreign
private military companies near Russian borders as a foreign threat. 

According to media reports US firms were involved in events in the
south-east of Ukraine on the side of the Kiev authorities. The White
House has repeatedly denied the presence of private US military
companies in Ukraine.

TASS: World - Former US firm Blackwater to train Ukrainian military for street fighting — source