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Saturday, January 3, 2015

Stop Donating To The Wounded Warrior Project - They're a Fraud

Beware very aware of these tax-exempts posing as "charities"; the Red Cross is another fraud. 

'Charity'  as we once understood it was unhindered by government intervention, but voluntary, primarily left to the churches. But, now even a church requires IRS permission to get tax-favored consideration. Helping others was left to the individual and their churches. Charity was not a wealth transfer mechanism of the IRS, determining politically who shall be the privileged to receive taxpayer-subsidies to benefit themselves.

Not giving to any IRS chartered tax exemption has been our policy. Charity is a natural right reserved to the people. This could be your own individual start to get us back on a footing of lawful, moral constitution. Start in your own home with friends and family.

Either you know of or can find a combat-wounded vet in your neighborhood; become his friend, visit him at his house with takeout pizza, go see a movie with him. Show him the appreciation he deserves. If he has a family, include them. Become his friend not a phoney money spigot. 

Posted by on Dec 30, 2014 

During this Christmas and New Year’s season the gift of charity swells in the hearts of many.  And who better to benefit from that charity than those who have literally given life and limb for the freedom and liberty we possess today than the veterans who stood tall
when their nation called on them?

When people donate money they expect that the majority of it will go to the actual cause and not line the pockets of some corporate hack or grease the wheels to enable extravagant parties. 

Unfortunately, when it comes to the Wounded Warrior Project, the people who have been so generous with their donations have been bamboozled and the veterans in need have been placed, as one veteran put it, into a “dog and pony show.”

For full disclosure, I have been against the Wounded Warrior Project ever since they came out as being against the 2nd Amendment. 

That is not some perceived imagined slight, WWP has stated that as a fact.  Via their director of public relations Leslie Coleman, the Wounded Warrior Project staked their position with regards to the 2nd Amendment thus after refusing to go on the Tom Gresham’s Gun Talk national radio

“While we appreciate the interest in having a WWP representative on your show on Veterans Day we are not able to participate in interviews or activities with media/organizations that are related to firearms.”
So basically, if you have anything to do with firearms, the Wounded Warrior Project doesn’t want anything to do with you.

Every since then I have told believers in the 2nd Amendment to take their donations elsewhere.

But now, I have discovered that on top of being against the 2nd Amendment, the Wounded Warrior Project is a legal scam in which the vast chunk of donations made to them go to executive salaries and lavish parties and the veterans they claim to help, by and large, are given trivial trinkets and used as fodder for photo ops.

During an interview with the Daily Beast, a double amputee veteran of the Iraq war spoke candidly:

“They’re more worried about putting their label on everything than getting down to brass tacks. It’s really frustrating.”

“Everything they do is a dog-and-pony show, and I haven’t talked to one of my fellow veterans that were injured… actually getting any help from the Wounded Warrior Project. I’m not just talking about financial assistance; I’m talking about help, period.”
Another soldier, Sam, an active duty soldier with Special Forces gave voice to what he sees as the problem:

“In the beginning, with Wounded Warrior, it started as a small organization and evolved into a beast.  It’s become so large and such a massive money-maker…the organization cares about nothing more than raising money and “keeping up an appearance” for the public with superficial displays like wounded warrior parking spots at the Walmart.”
A veterans’ advocate spoke their concern stating:

“They’re laser-focused on making money to help vets, but forgetting to help vets.  It’s becoming one of the best known charities in America—and they’re not spending their money very well.”
A second veterans’ advocate echoed that concern:

“It’s more about the Wounded Warrior Project and less about the wounded warrior.”
Ken Davis, a veteran from Arizona says that he is considered an
“alumni” of the WWP even though he doesn’t want to be associated with the organization and that the WWP uses him to bolster their numbers fraudulently.  He questions the WWP:

“I receive more marketing stuff from them, [and see more
of that] than the money they’ve put into the community here in Arizona.  It’s just about numbers and money to them. Never once did I get the feeling that it’s about veterans.”

He could have used a ride to a VA facility for health care, he said. But rather than receive practical assistance from the WWP, he got a branded fleece beanie.

“They’re marketing, they’re spending money—but on what?”
Speaking of how the WWP spends its money, how does that break down?

Only 48 to 58 cents of every dollar actually makes its way to wounded veterans and as you read above, that could be spent on trivial nonsense orchestrated to bolster the WWP and not necessarily help actual veterans who are in need.

Stop Donating To The Wounded Warrior Project - They're A Fraud - Bullets First | Bullets First