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Thursday, February 12, 2015

Keeping Big Pharma in Seventh Heaven is Keeping Addicts in Hell

February 11, 2015 
by Martin G. Selbrede

How the State of Massachusetts is Moving the Goalposts in Light of Dr. Kishore's Successful Treatment of Addiction to Provide Pharmaceutical Companies with a State-Funded Customer Base

This is the seventh in an ongoing series of articles about Dr. Punyamurtula S. Kishore, the Christian doctor who innovated the Massachusetts Model of addiction treatment. 

The previous six articles documented how conventional addiction therapies based on substitute narcotics (methadone and Suboxone®) leave only 2% to 5% of patients who won't relapse back into full-scale addiction after twelve months. The few who haven't relapsed will often take prescribed substitute narcotics indefinitely, creating life-long issues for them. In contrast, Dr. Kishore's sobriety-based approach is non-narcotic in orientation. His method doesn't lead to a miserable 2% to 5% success rate at the one-year mark, but an astonishing 50% to 60% success rate based on hard test data (rising from 37% in 1994 to over 50% in 2011 with a quarter-million patients having passed through his program).

...from Hippocrates Oath, solemnly kept by Dr.
Kishore - Man cannot serve two masters.
Massachusetts buried this medical miracle by incarcerating Dr. Kishore in September 2011 and withholding Medicare payments to his fifty-two treatment centers, causing their complete collapse. The consequences of the state's actions against Dr. Kishore's work permeate the previous six articles. To repeat that material, even in condensed form, would consume most of this present article. If you've not followed this series, review the earlier articles before diving into this newest article. Without the background of the earlier articles, you can fall prey to ongoing manipulation (by omission and commission) by the state and its media gatekeepers.

Moving the Goalposts

The first example of "moving the goalposts" in this series had reference to the cleverly-edited graphic used to hide the disastrous 80% recidivism rate occurring during the first month of conventional drug addiction treatments. Because the first-month results have simply been chopped off the graph, they don't come under consideration. This opens the door to redefining success. One moves the goalposts for one of two reasons: to block a competitor from succeeding, or to create the illusion of success for yourself. This tactic is a blatant example of the latter.

Moving of the goalposts in such a way can only be effective if you are ignorant of the correct location of the goalposts. If someone comes along and blows the whistle on how dislocated the goalposts are, and what constituencies are benefiting from the reality distortion field thus imposed, he becomes a threat. If the whistleblower's success rate is many times higher than the conventional success rate, this becomes a second layer of threat.

Both forms of threat to the status quo need to be quashed to maintain the blissful ignorance of the populace, to keep the goalposts at their "preferred" new location. When the media keeps the people it reputedly serves ignorant of both aspects of these moved goalposts, it becomes a key accessory to the redefinition of success. Once journalists start down that road, it becomes increasingly difficult for them to admit fault, recant, and fight against the ignorance they've been enforcing so faithfully. No one wants to admit culpability in moving the goalposts. Therefore, Dr. Kishore's clinical record is simply ignored.

There are three other major respects in which crucial goalposts have been moved during the escalating drug addiction crisis taking its massive toll upon our communities. We will examine the tactics, significance, and high price we are all paying for the moving of these goalposts that should never have been moved. We will then come to understand why Solomon's maxim remains painfully valid for us today: "Remove not the old landmark; and enter not into the fields of the fatherless" (Prov. 23:10). Click to continue reading this article.