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Sunday, February 16, 2014

NSA Revelations Prompt EU Call for Shift Away from U.S. Internet Governance

Before you get all warm & fuzzy thinking the NSA will be reigned-in by a world body of oversight, give this snippet from the Ron Paul Forum a quick read:
CFR document: Independent Task Force Report No. 70

"...[...] The Task Force recommends that the United States develop a digital policy framework based on four pillars. First, it calls on the U.S. government to share leadership with like-minded actors, including governments, private companies, and NGOs, to develop a global security framework based on a common set of principles and practices. Next, the Task Force recommends that all future trade agreements between the United States and its trading partners contain a goal of fostering the free flow of information and data across national borders while protecting intellectual property and individual privacy. Third, the Task Force urges the U.S. government to define and actively promote a vision of Internet governance that involves emerging Internet powers and expands and strengthens governance processes that include representatives of governments, private industry, and civil society. Finally, the report recommends that U.S.-based industry work rapidly to establish an industry-led approach to counter current and future cyberattacks. The United States needs to act proactively on these fronts, lest it risk ceding the initiative to countries whose interests differ significantly from its own [...] We're thankful to several individuals who met with and briefed the Task Force group, including Commander of U.S. Cyber Command General Keith B. Alexander; White House cybersecurity coordinator J. Michael Daniel; U.S. Department of State coordinator for cyber issues Christopher M.E. Painter; U.S. Department of Commerce general counsel Cameron F. Kerry; National Telecommunications and Information Administration administrator Lawrence E. Strickling; Center for a New American Security president Richard Fontaine; and New America Foundation senior fellow Rebecca MacKinnon...."]
Whatever you conclude from this we don't know. As for many though, it's stark admission that the internationalists and their co-conspirators are making a bold move to take over the communication regulatory authority for all sovereign nations of the world. The public proclamations of the one-worlders expressing "union", "agreement", and 'working together' niceties, must always be read carefully to identify their concealed intent. See if you aren't in agreement. It is these regional and world bodies like the UN, EC, and the soon-to-be NAU that will control everything you say - by force and penalty, believe, do, or want to do.

 NSA Revelations Prompt EU Call for Shift Away from U.S. Internet Governance
Sunday, February 16, 2014

(graphic: Internet Rights and Principles Coalition)
European leaders want to loosen the United States’ grip over governance of the Internet, which originally began as a creation of the Pentagon. The move comes in the wake of how extensively the National Security Agency (NSA) has used the Internet and other means to spy on people across the globe. But it remains to be seen whether the U.S. will be willing to accede to Europe’s wish for Internet governance to become more global.

This week, the European Union’s senior body, the European Commission (EC), offered a plan for how the Internet should be managed. The changes involve ICANN, or the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, based in California.
Under contract with the U.S. government, ICANN assigns domain names used to access websites.

The EC said it was time to “transition to a more global model” for overseeing the Internet, which either means shifting ICANN out from under U.S. control or replacing it altogether with some other body.

The change was prompted by “recent revelations of large-scale surveillance” that “called into question the stewardship of the U.S. when it comes to Internet governance,” the commission stated.

“Large-scale surveillance and intelligence activities have led to a loss of confidence in the Internet and its present governance arrangements,” it added.

The EC also said it was concerned with other governments’ role in controlling the free flow of information across the Internet. It named those countries that have tried to censor Web access, including China, Russia, Iran, and Turkey.

European officials did not specify how exactly Internet governance should become more international. They did, however, state that the United Nations should not take over the duties currently held by the U.S.

American officials responded politely to the EC’s proposal, and promised to work toward making Internet governance more “inclusive.”

“The U.S. government welcomes the strong and continued commitment of the European Commission to the multi-stakeholder model of Internet governance,” Lawrence E. Strickling, U.S. assistant secretary of commerce for communications and information, said in a statement. “We will work with the Commission and other Internet stakeholders to make multi-stakeholder governance more inclusive, especially to support the engagement of countries in the developing world.”

-Noel Brinkerhoff
To Learn More:
Europe Wants Less U.S. Power over Internet (by Anthony Faiola, Washington Post)