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Thursday, April 3, 2014

GOP Establishments' Assault on Maryland & New Hampshire Liberty Republicans

This Republican maneuver is not peculiar to just New Hampshire and Maryland. What many Americanist Republicans will be doing is letting the GOP lose an office through their own fault. They're not voting for the GOP neocon of the Establishment, and not voting Democrat. 

Write-ins will be the rule, and when possible, cast a ballot for an Independent candidate.

These folks have not confused Party submission with patriotism for their country.They're finally asking not what the Party can do for them, but what can they do for their country.

By: Samuel Eaton Apr 3, 2014

Concord, N.H. - We are just days away from former Massachusetts Senator Scott Brown’s official announcement that he will be running for Senate in New Hampshire. His announcement will come after Brown has lived in New Hampshire for only a few months.

It is a widely known fact in New Hampshire that establishment Republicans, both national and statewide, are happy to see Brown run. Brown has even had help from Karl Rove’s PAC American Crossroads, which is currently running anti-Shaheen T.V. ads. Sources tell that American Crossroads will be spending mid six figures in New Hampshire.

Brown will be entering a race that has three qualified candidates, all of which have strong liberty backgrounds: former state Senator Jim Rubens, conservative activist Karen Testerman and former New Hampshire Senator Bob Smith. While the liberty movement is split among these candidates one thing is constant- the liberty movement is rejecting Brown.

Brown recently admitted he does not have the best qualifications for the job ‘Cause, you know, whatever.” His 2012 voting record just might prove that. According to Politifact, Brown voted 53% of the time with the Democrats in his final two years of office.

As if one transplant wasn’t enough the GOP establishment has tapped Walt Havenstein, a self-and tax-proclaimed resident of Maryland to take on former chair of the Republican Liberty Caucus, Andrew Hemingway, in the Republican gubernatorial primary.

As you can see below, Havenstein took Maryland tax credits related to residency in Maryland.


According to Kevin Landrigan, staff writer at

According to Maryland law, the principal residence is defined as the location “designated by the owner for the legal purposes of voting, obtaining a driver’s license and filing income tax returns.”

Landrigan goes on in his article that when Havenstein accepted his Maryland home as principal residence, Havenstein did not have to pay property taxes on the first $50,000 of his home value.

With Hemingway polling better against a first term Governor than any challenger in recent history, it begs the question of why has the establishment tapped Havenstein to primary him?

A bigger question may be what would establishment candidates at the top of the ticket do to liberty candidates running for local and state offices? If history is any indication, it’s not a good sign. When Romney was at the top of the ticket the New Hampshire Republicans went from holding super majority in the house to being the minority.