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Saturday, October 25, 2014

2nd South Carolina String Band - Oh, I'm a Good Ol' Rebel

Will we experience a similar contempt for our founding compacts as discouraged southern soldier veterans? The "yankee virus" as spread now throughout all states, so maybe we have superior voices this time.  

Sadly, we sense that as our lives and liberties become increasingly disparaged by government there will be millions who'll share the southern anguish of 150 years ago, and come to know what the "good ol' rebel" was trying to tell us. You're an informed audience and understand.

Remember...they only wanted to be left alone.

First published in 1914, this song expresses
the feelings of the old CSA Veterans

Oh, I'm a good old Rebel,
Now that's just what I am;
For this "fair land of Freedom"
I do not care a damn.
I'm glad I fit against it-
I only wish we'd won.
And I don't want no pardon
For anything I've done.

I hates the Constitution,
This great Republic too;
I hates the Freedmen's Buro,
In uniforms of blue.
I hates the nasty eagle,
With all his brag and fuss;
But the lyin', thievin' Yankees
I hates' em wuss and wuss.

I hates the Yankee nation
and everything they do,
I hates the Declaration
of Independence, too;
I hates the glorious Union
tis drippin' with our blood
I hates their striped banner,
I fit it all I could.

I followed Ol' Marsh Roberts
for four years, nearabout,
got wounded in three places
and starved at P'int Lookout:
I cotched the rheumatism
a'campin' in the snow;
but I killed a chance o' Yankees,
I'd like to kill some mo'.

We got three hundred thousand
Befo' they conquered us.
They died of Southern fever
And Southern steel and shot;
And I wish it was three million
Instead of what we got.

I can't take up my musket
And fight' em now no mo',
But I ain't a-goin'to love' em,
Now that is sartin sho';
And I don't want no pardon
For what I was and am;
And I won't be reconstructed,
And I do not give a damn.

<bgsound SRC="'m-a-Good-Old-Rebel.wma" LOOP=FALSE AUTOSTART=TRUE HIDDEN=FALSE VOLUME="100">
The song Oh I'm a Good Old Rebel is a
WAV. file created and © by Hoyt Axton
Used with permission. All rights reserved.