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Saturday, October 4, 2014

Dixie County, FL - People in Florida are victims of judicial fraud?

Posted on October 4, 2014 by arnierosner

Judicial fraud at its finest minute.

If the people cannot rely on the authenticity of court documents, why bother to use the courts?

Simulated judicial process has been systematically introduced into the court recording system.  Now, in some cases the effectiveness of the courts have been undermined.

Many of the American people have not as yet realized that the system of justice for which the people pay is one of the enumerated powers, integrated into the services contract the states engaged the government service corporations originated by Ben Franklin.

The American people are being abused and robbed of their hard earned money provided in the way of taxes and fees unlawfully collected by fraudulent action on the part of local, county, state and federal government entities all operating in fraud.

1.  Mr. and Mrs. America…just how much fraud is enough?

2.  How much fraud will you accept?

3.  How much fraud is too much?

Dixie County, FL – Who Gave the order to commit the fraud?


·        Dixie County, FL – Fraud upon the Court – Alteration/removal of public records

·        Dixie County, FL – Documents Filed 10-01-14

Like the IRS – the fraud upon the courts are so pervasive people who seek justice are wasting their time using the current court system.

DEAR JOHN …. Regarding the IRS…..
