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Saturday, November 30, 2013

Americans "Ready To Kill" Over Obamacare (Must See Video)

By Money Morning Staff Reports

Obamacare doesn't officially kick off until January 1st, yet millions of Americans are already at each other's throats over it.

Research from the U.S. Census Bureau shows that the country is now more divided than any other time in history since the Civil War era.

In fact, 20 states including Texas, Georgia and Louisiana have threatened to secede.

And despite a recent Supreme Court ruling making Obamacare the law of the land, only 24 states are moving forward with a key aspect of Obamacare- the expansion of Medicaid. Of the rest, 21 are opposed and five are deadlocked in debate.

Editor's Note: Millions of Americans are enraged over government imposed Obamacare. Watch this shocking video to see how one group of furious citizens is getting revenge.

So far, every single southern state from Texas to Virginia has refused to widen Medicaid, a key provision of the Obamacare program.

This will leave millions of Americans without coverage.

That's because they make too much money to qualify for Medicaid as it now stands, but not enough to get the subsidies to buy insurance in the new exchanges.

The South isn't alone in rejecting Obamacare. Liberal states such as Maine have opposed the bill.

Pennsylvania, Indiana, and Ohio have yet to move forward with the expansion.
Even legendary investor Warren Buffett, a one-time Obamacare supporter, said in 2010 he would scrap the healthcare bill and start over.

One of the main architects of the bill, Democratic Senator Max Baucus from Montana said Obamacare is heading for a "train wreck" if it's not implemented properly.

Obamacare Tax Hikes Stoke The Most Outrage

While even Obamacare detractors applaud the requirement that insurance companies cover pre-existing conditions and put a stop to lifetime caps on benefits, they say these laudable benefits don't compensate for the bills high cost - especially in new taxes.

According to most experts, Obamacare will create no fewer than twenty new taxes or tax hikes on the American people.

Germany Asks US Fed Reserve For Its Gold And Told To Go Pound Sand (Video)

▶ Robber Barron Medicine - YouTube

Published on Nov 2, 2013

As Americans fret about the Obamacare website and wonder how the country became enslaved to the highest healthcare costs in the world, we turn back the pages to look at how the modern medical paradigm came together in the early 20th century, courtesy of the Rockefeller Foundation and their cronies. Join us this week as we explore the real history of modern healthcare and the real motivations behind the family that brought it to you.

Coloradoans Must Hold their State Legislature Accountable for Losing their Citizens' & Sheriffs' Gun Rights

Why Colorado's governor and state legislature are not standing up for their sheriffs who wish to protect those who elected them to the legislature? You don't have to be a high school graduate to realize the fedgov has no authority in this area. It is a RESERVED RIGHT of the states, and their elected reps must stand for NULLIFICATION! We fear they're putting their own political well being before the safety of their citizens. That, or simply crony patronizers and cowards.

Iran's ultimatum for new nuclear talks: No 'Zionist' Israelis allowed - Washington Times

Friday, November 29, 2013

In what’s sure to fuel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s angst over the American-forged nuclear development deal with Tehran, the foreign minister of Iran said Friday that all further discussions will have to leave out Israel.

Fox News PR used fake accounts to push back at negative commenters

30 Nov 2013

Here's an interesting bit of Fox News skullduggery from David Folkenflik's new book on Rupert Murdoch's media empire, courtesy of Media Matters:

Friday, November 29, 2013

Metallic Money (Gold/Silver) vs. Credit Money: Know The Difference

Submitted by Tyler Durden on 11/29/2013 18:12 -0500

Submitted by Charles Hugh-Smith of OfTwoMinds blog, via ZH

Longtime correspondent Jeff W. succinctly explains the difference between metallic money (gold and silver) and credit money.

You've probably read many articles about money--what it is (store of value and means of exchange) and its many variations (metal, paper, etc.). But perhaps the most important distinction to be made in our era is between metallic money and credit money.

Longtime correspondent Jeff W. succinctly explains the difference between metallic money (gold and silver) and credit money:

We use credit money every day. It’s the only kind of money we have. But because people in Europe and America have historically used metallic money for over 2,500 years, we still have cultural habits that come from the gold money era.

When the U.S. removed gold and silver coins from circulation in the 1930’s and 1960’s and replaced paper gold certificates and silver certificates with Federal Reserve notes, the paper money looked very much the same. But the thing that the paper money represented changed dramatically. The paper money now represents units of credit money that have no guaranteed relationship with the prices of gold or silve r or anything else.

Because the nature of credit money and metallic money are not well understood, and because money is so important in our lives, it is worthwhile to examine and discuss how these two kinds of money are different.

1. Tangible vs. intangible. A gold or silver coin is a physical object that has weight, volume and physical characteristics. Credit money is a record of the existence of a debt. Credit money exists in the intangible world of information and human relationships. Where Mr. A owes Mr. B a specified unit of money, and where that debt is recorded on paper or another recording medium, and where the record of that debt passes from one person’s possession to another as a medium of exchange, you have credit money.

Gold coins are minted; debts are recorded. The two forms of money could hardly be more dissimilar.

2. Old vs. oldest. Metallic money has been used by people for about 2,600 years. It has been used sporadically and in certain places. Credit money has been used for at least 5,000 years, when people first started recording debts on clay tablets, pieces of wood or ivory, etc., and trading those IOU’s as money. Before debts were recorded in writing, they were, in prehistoric times, discussed verbally, remembered, and sometimes traded in verbal transactions. This is how very primitive people still trade using debt today.

3. Persistent vs. ephemeral. Some gold coins more than 2,000 years old are still in existence today. But it would be very rare for any performing loans to be more than 100 years old, and many loans are of very short duration. Much of the U.S. Treasury’s debt issue is very short term, lasting only 90 days or one year. Where gold coins can last for thousands of years, debts are constantly coming into existence and going out of existence.

The U.S. debt holdings of the Federal Reserve are constantly churning and rolling over, whereas gold holdings in vaults can lie stationary and do not need to be replaced or rolled over.

4. Hard to create vs. easy to create. To create a gold coin, someone has to first mine the gold from the earth, refine it, mill it, stamp it into circular shapes and then stamp the governmental pattern on it. To create a piece of credit money, a debt has to be created and then a piece of paper printed or a record created on a computer. Anyone who has no intention of paying back his debt, such as the Federal government, can potentially issue debt in infinite amounts. There is an issue of whether that debt is worth anything, however.

5. Always good vs. sometimes good. A gold coin that is legal tender will always be accepted as money. With credit money, some of it is good and some of it is bad. In recent years Zimbabwe’s credit money went bad. Before that, the Weimar Republic’s credit money became worthless. All circulating debt has a mixture of good and bad. When a lot of it goes bad at the same time, it causes a crisis, where the “toxic debt” must be guaranteed or purchased by government or else banks and other financial institutions will go bankrupt.

6. Non-interest bearing vs. interest bearing. Most debt specifies interest payments as part of the loan agreement. The Federal Reserve notes we use as money are claims on interest-bearing debt owned by the Federal Reserve. Credit money has the quality that there is a continuing flow of interest payments away from the users of money in the general population and toward creditors. There is no such continued flow of wealth from debtors to creditors in a gold money system.

7. Does not need money supply expansion vs. needs expansion. Because interest payments are constantly flowing out from families, businesses and communities to financial centers and wealthy creditors, credit money results in economic sluggishness unless there is a constant expansion of the supply of credit money. Under a gold money system, people can function much better with a constant money supply because there is no leakage of interest payments. Each community can continue to circulate its own holdings of gold money without having to pay any of it out in the form of interest payments.

8. Government does not need to enable creating more debt vs. government must enable debt creation. In order to keep a credit money economy going, more debt must be continually created. Government and financial leaders who do not want to be blamed for a downward spiral of slowing economic activity must see to it that more debt is constantly being created. Under a gold money system, there is no pressure to constantly increase the burden of debt.

9. Not as bubble prone vs. more bubble prone. The fractional reserve method of banking encourages asset bubbles because new money is created as borrowers take out new loans. When people borrow money to buy bubble assets (e.g., houses 1981-2006), it creates enormous amounts of new money to feed the asset bubble. Many asset bubbles were also created during the gold money era due to fractional reserve banking, but where the unit of currency is guaranteed by government to be equal to a fixed weight in gold, the inflation threat is taken out of the picture and that restrains bubble creation somewhat.

To support the value of their currencies under a gold money system, governments must also often raise interest rates in order to encourage investors to sell gold in exchange for bonds paying good interest. Higher interest rates also discourage the formation of asset bubbles.

10. Does not enable ZIRP vs. enables ZIRP. A zero interest rate policy is impossibl e under a gold money system. The demand for gold would soon deplete government’s gold holdings to zero. Under a credit money system a policy of low interest rates and financial repression can be imposed for an indefinite period of time.

11. Does not increase lending activity vs. increases lending activity. Low interest rates and the ease with which credit money is created lead to increased lending activity and higher debt loads. Under a gold money system, debt will necessarily be created at a slower rate. By stepping up the pace of debt creation, a credit money system serves the interests of the banks.

12. Has no problem with debt saturation vs. has serious problems with debt saturation. Continually increasing debt leads ultimately to debt saturation. When a country’s people and businesses are saturated with debt, it makes it much more difficult to continue to increase the debt load. That leads to stagnation and slowing economic activity in a credit money system. A gold money system does not tend to lead to debt saturation and has no similar problems with debt saturation.

13. Increases wealth disparities vs. does not increase wealth disparities. The higher debt load facilitated by a credit money system results in greater flows of wealth from the debtor class to the creditor class. The higher debt load leads to increased disparities in income, more very poor and very rich and fewer of the middle class.

14. Holds its value vs. does not hold its value. Gold-backed currencies have an excellent track record of holding their value. Credit money tends to inflation, the rate of which largely depends on how fast new debt is being created.

15. Government as a guarantor of savings vs. government provides no guarantee. One of the three functions of money is as a store of value. (The others are a medium of exchange and a unit of account.) When the U.S. government guarantees that 35 U.S. dollars will buy an ounce of gold, as it did in the years 1934-67, government aid savers by acting as a guarantor of that store of value.

When the U.S. went off the gold standard in 1971, it changed the relationship between citizens and their government when government no longer provided that guarantee.

16. Defaulters are bad vs. defaulters are only partly bad. In a gold money system, a person who takes out a loan and does not repay it is considered a bad person, almost a thief. He has robbed his creditors of the money they were rightfully owed. In a credit money system, however, the creation of new debt is so important that anyone who goes into debt is a hero of the economy.

That is why under a debt money system, it is considered more important that new debt be created (e.g., as student loans) than to worry about whether they will ever be paid back or to pin blame and guilt on loan defaulters.

Conclusion: As we see, it is no exaggeration to say that the transition from gold money to credit money changes everything. It changes every individual’s relationship with his own money, with government, and with banks. It changes the power relationships within society. It changes the patterns of ownership and wealth accumulation.

It is very important that citizens and investors understand the credit money system that they are trying to operate within. For people with over 2,500 years of experience with gold money, it is difficult to understand it and get used to it. But anyone who does understand it will be better off because of making better-informed decisions. We might as well get used to it because we shall likely have to live with a credit money system for a very long time.

Thank you, Jeff, for an insightful and extremely important overview of the critical differences between credit money and gold/silver. The key distinction of all these important distinctions is the ephemeral nature of credit-money (and any form of fiat currency). History teaches us that a financial-political crisis of sufficient magnitude reveals the underlying value of credit-money--i.e. zero--in a brief but cataclysmic loss of faith/trust.

As correspondent Harun I. observed in Why Is Debt the Source of Income Inequality and Serfdom? It's the Interest, Baby: "Governments cannot reduce their debt or deficits and central banks cannot taper. Equally, they cannot perpetually borrow exponentially more. This one last bubble cannot end (but it must)."

When the current bubble bursts, the difference between metallic money and credit money will be starkly visible: no one will trade gold or silver for any amount of paper/credit money, and the ephemeral financial instruments ("assets") that dominate today's financial system will be revealed for what they are: phantom promises of value.

Of related interest:

Gold: The Once and Future Money by Nathan Lewis

Could Bitcoin (or equivalent) Become a Global Reserve Currency?
November 7, 2013


We Are The John Birch Society - YouTube

May 6, 2013

Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Founding Americans pointed to these as unalienable rights and formed governments to protect these rights. However, many concerned Americans point out that the federal government seems to be forcing its way into more and more aspects of their lives.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

House Resolution to Abolish the IRS

Our hat comes off to these three Republican reps who have the courage to step forward with this effort. Maybe they won't get it thru on 1st try, but they deserve our support. The Left kept pounding away at gun control and look how far they've come - NOW THEY'RE IN YOUR FACE YOU FATALIST NUMBSKULL!

November 27th, 2013

Follow Rep. Bridenstine (R-OK) to become a trusted standard bearer in the Liberty Restoration discovery.

source investmentwatchdog

Three members of congress are seeking to repeal the 16th amendment and abolish the IRS– Rep. Jim Bridenstine (R-OK), Rep. Ron DeSantis (R-FL), and Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) have drafter House Resolution 104, which would do away with income tax. Calling personal and corporate income tax as counter-productive to personal endeavor in America, the move to repeal the 16th amendment looks like a long-shot, but one that has support from many different sectors of America.

Could these CIA converts have been trained to deploy against US citizens if ordered?

Secret Government Program Trained Guantanamo Detainees as Double Agents for CIA
Thursday, November 28, 2013
Satellite image of
CIA's Penny Lane site
at Guantanamo Prison
Two years after 9/11, the U.S. government tried to flip members of al-Qaeda held in Guantanamo and turn them into agents for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), according to the Associated Press (AP).

The Fed Must Inflate - Chris Martenson - Mises Daily

Mises Daily: Thursday, November 28, 2013 by Chris Martenson

The Fed is busy doing everything in its considerable power to get credit (that is, debt) growing again so that we can get back to what it considers to be “normal.”

Wednesday, November 27, 2013


It's All Here

Bill Ayers Has Ties to At Least Ten People in The White House Administration

Barack Obama, Michelle Obama, David Axelrod, Valerie Jarrett, Kevin Jennings, Anita Dunn, Arne Duncan, Martha Kanter, Vartan Gregorian and Cindy Moelis.

Are there more?
Ties to the President of the United States
communist obama marxist socialist maoist progressive
MAILMAN SPILLS THE BEANS ON OBAMA AND COMMUNIST AYERS!! Sworn Affidavit: Mary Ayers Said Obama was a Foreign Student... Obama Said Ayers Family Paid for Obama's Education. Watch the Video!
Corsi Video: Implications of Ayers' Mailman’s and Hollywood Producer's Testimonies 04.04.12
KGB Agent Bill Ayers Admits Relationship with Obama 04.04.13
Obama Chides ‘Birthers’ - Media Spikes Ayers Bombshell 03.21.12
Bill Ayers Confirms What Obama Denied 04.07.13
Must See Video: Communist Terrorist Bill Ayers Brags About Hosting Obama Fundraiser 11.30.11
Motive for Bill Ayers-Obama Living Room Meeting 06.21.12
Obama Attended Bill Ayers BBQ ...BHO Lied Again 06.04.12
Ayers and Obama: What the Media Hid 06.04.12
Why Communist News Network (CNN) is Tanking ...Good Summary of Obama-Ayers-Mayor Daley Connection 06.04.12
Obama May Have Been Bill Ayers' Roommate 05.11.12
Obama Gives $400,000 to Group with US Communist Terror Bomber Board Member -- Bernardine Dohrn 05.07.12
Stimulus Money Went to Terrorist Bill Ayers Project 11.30.11
Rally of 2,000 Marxists, Communists and Socialists Launched Obama's Career. Event was Planned by Communist, Bill Ayers and Coordinated by Communist, Carl Davidson 12.08.09
A Professor Reports: Ayers Family Assisted Obama’s Education. Says Barack-Ayers Relationship Goes Back to 1980's. More: 1, 2 05.02.10
Obama, Communist Terror Bomber, Bill Ayers and Communist Black Panthers Organization 10.06.08
Obama Made a Joint Appearance with Bill Ayers at a 1997 U. of Chicago Panel Orchestrated by Michelle Obama 03.24.11
Bill Ayers and Obama in Their Own Words 10.26.08
Bill Ayers and Obama 08.27.08
Which Bill Ayers/Malik Shabazz Visited White House? 03.24.11
Obama's Communist Terrorist KGB Handler, Bill Ayers: Writes Letter to Obama and Says Obama's Job is "Sitting in a Chair of Empire" 12.21.12
communist obama marxist socialist maoist progressive
Murderous, Communist Terror Bomber and KGB Agent, Bill Ayers Says Again:

He Wrote Obama's Book
Communist Terrorist Bill Ayers is Author of Obama's “Dreams From My Father” 11.20.13
Review of "Deconstructing Obama" - Book Proves Ayers is the Author of "Dreams From My Father" 03.26.11
Bill Ayers and Obama’s Federal School Curriculum 09.21.12
Bill Ayers Helped Write Obama's Book 10.07.09
Bill Ayers: "I wrote it." 10.07.09
Jack Cashill Proves Bill Ayers Ghost-Wrote Barack Obama’s Memoir 03.13.11
Ayers wasn't Joking about Obama's Book 04.01.11
Obama’s Buddy Bill Ayers Dedicated His Book to Sirhan Sirhan who Murdered Robert F. Kennedy 03.09.11
Communist Terror Bomber (with a Huge FBI File Detailing His Activities to Violently Destroy America), Bill Ayers, Congratulates His Friend and Former Staffer, Dear President on His Win 11.07.12
Bill Ayers Books

Bill Ayers, Bernadine Dohrn Old Left Reunion Photo Gallery, 2007

Bill Ayers & Bernadine Dohrn
Faces you'll find familiar with no change - - still have their Red spots!
Click link to see the Gallery!

Govt Propaganda Disseminators Take a Hit: CNN and MSNBC lose almost half their viewers in one year

Katie Couric to Yahoo…Becky Quick to Baidu?

27 Nov 2013

It’s been a tough year for the liberal cable news outlets.

Israel Still Operating Active Spy & Espionage Cells in America

Amazingly, this spy is still working in Hollywood!! Believe it. The US Congress works for the DINOs and RINOs – not you. Move on. If there’s something for you to see, they’ll let you know. Otherwise, your R&D is appreciated by our enemies we’re sure.

Secret Police and Military Prisons-Edwin Stanton Sets the Precedent-Part Two

By Al Benson Jr., 11.27.13
Author Nathaniel Weyl has agreed with Otto Eisenschiml’s view of what Edwin M. Stanton and company were all about. 

In The Battle Against Disloyalty  he wrote: “In the Civil War and Reconstruction eras, the United States War Department bore some traces of resemblance to the Soviet Secret Police. It’s leaders were zealots who believe that, if the ends didn’t justify the means, nothing else could.” To have your country’s security forces compared to the Soviet Secret Police, the infamous KGB—what a complement! So very appropriate for the Yankee/Marxist worldview that was prevalent in Washington for the Obama—oops, pardon me, I meant the Lincoln administration.

That bastion of moral integrity, Colonel Lafayette Baker, head of the National Detectives, has been described by Weyl as “…an enormously vain and unscrupulous person, Baker was also a congenital liar, intriguer, and twister.” 

This sounds like just about the right qualifications for an agent in the Lincoln administration. His boss, the venerable Stanton, has been pictured as “A rude, rough, vigorous Oliver Cromwell sort of man, incapable of generosity to a prostrate foe, arbitrary, bad tempered and impulsive, double-faced, tyrannical, with an inordinate desire for office.” Makes you wonder if those were his good points. But, again, they were sterling qualities for a Lincoln administration member. In mentioning the Lincoln assassins, (at least the ones we’ve been told about), Weyl observed that their trial “served as an opening move in deeply calculated positional play for something akin to a military dictatorship.” Something else our “history” books never bother to deal with. William Tecumseh Sherman would have loved it!

In regard to the conspirators Weyl has told us that Eisenschiml pointed out that the government used torture on them, not to obtain confessions, but rather to keep them quiet. The conclusion Eisenschiml drew from that was that “…War Secretary Stanton not only knew of the murder plans and allowed them to mature, but may have been in guilty communication with Booth…Certainly as far as the radicals were concerned, Lincoln’s political usefulness ceased the moment the war was won. His clashes with Stanton on policy matters were becoming more and more frequent. Since he had the support of the people, there was no legal means of removing him.” Weyl also noted that there were some problems with this theory, and even today, it is still argued, quite vehemently in some circles.

Stanton was more than anxious to lay the blame for the assassination upon Richmond. Yet his only two links there were Booth, who we have been told was killed (there’s another whole story involved with that), and John Surrat, who had gotten to Canada, and eventually to Europe. It was felt that those arrested for the assassination would have denied any conspiratorial connections with the Confederacy—should they have been allowed to talk freely. So Weyl stated: “It
was therefore essential to the grand political design that they be silenced—by torture if necessary. To prove the great conspiracy, Stanton relied on his crony, Judge Advocate General Holt, and on his creature, General Lafayette Baker. 

The latter bustled off to Canada where he collected the most preposterous herd of witnesses ever for a political trial…Meanwhile Judge Holt ran a school for perjury in Washington.”

No way was Stanton going to do this on the up and up—so he did it down and dirty. So much for “justice” in Amerika in 1865. Is it any better now? 

Had he been alive back then, Eric Holder would have been Stanton’s kissin’ cousin. Their minds wallowed in the same convoluted legal chicanery. Stanton would have loved “fast and furious” too!

Even establishment historians have had to admit that there was a torture policy in Yankeedom (though Lincoln’s administration officially denied it and hid behind the Lieber Code). In mentioning torture, Mark Neely Jr., in The Fate of Liberty–Abraham Lincoln and Civil Liberties  has told us that the likeliest torture victims were not even Southerners, rather, “They were Northerners suspected of deserting from the United States Army.” Neely also noted that military authorities often arrested some suspects who turned out not to be deserters, but were, in fact, innocent of anything. He noted six men who were arrested as Union Army deserters in 1864 who, were in fact, innocent because they were British subjects. And he said: “In 1864 the complaints of these prisoners to British authorities in the United States began to include descriptions of torture.” When even establishment historians have to fess up to the fact that torture was employed by the Yankees, you have to realize it was probably a lot worse than they have told you it was. They are showing you the merest tip of the iceberg and fervently hoping you don’t check to see how big the whole thing really is.

In updating what is essentially the identical situation, columnist Charlie Reese said, several years ago: “Who could have guessed that George W. Bush, who seemed to be a genial good old boy, would turn out to be a tyrant, launching wars of aggression, arresting and confining people without charges or access to a lawyer, condoning torture and lying to the American people? A government that can without trial destroy you by simply putting your name on a list, or the name of an organization with which you are associated, is a tyranny.” How different is this from what Stanton did in 1865? As with Lincoln, so with Bush, Cheney, and Obama—after all, they all work for the same people. Truly there is nothing new under the sun.

Making these comparisons would, hopefully, make some people begin to sit up and wonder what the deal is. Unfortunately, it probably won’t. Too many generations of public school indoctrination have finally paid off with Orwell’s 1984. We have become a nation of proles.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

The Hidden Secrets Of Money Part 5: When Money Is Corrupted

Submitted by Tyler Durden on 11/26/2013 20:33 -0500

Having exposed the "biggest scam in history" is Part 4 (following Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3), Mike Maloney's fifth episode serves as an ideal primer for those waking up to the monetary matrix around them, as it clearly shows the history of true money and why it so important to our freedom. The quality of a society is directly proportional to the quality of its money. Debase a currency for long enough, and you end up with dangerous deficits, debt driven disasters, and eventually...delusional dictators. History proves this to be true.

Source ZH

Democrat group conspires with Obamacare to release private data: Texas Targeted

US taxpayer-subsidized tax-exempts assisting effort in violation of IRS 501c(3) charter...

Tuesday, November 26, 2013 by: J. D. Heyes

(NaturalNews) Technology is a double-edged sword. You've read those words by me before.

On the one hand, technology has improved our lives tremendously. On the other, it is being used to do end runs around the Constitution and steal our privacy in ways our founders never imagined.

Rapid City coin shop owner rolls into retirement

Chris Huber, Journal staff
Jack Meyer, owner of Silver Mountain Coins in Rapid City, says his small coin shop is shutting down after 35 years of business.

November 25, 2013 6:30 am  •  Bart Pfankuch Journal staff
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Jack Meyer had a great career as a nurse with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs in 1979 when he pitched his wife on a plan to take over a local small business. She was less than enthused.

Meyer had been a fan of coins and coin collecting since he was a boy, and suddenly that year his friend and fellow numismatist Jay McBride moved to Florida and put his small coin shop on Mount Rushmore Road up for sale.

Meyer wanted the store, but he would leave his steady job, cash out his retirement and take out a loan to buy the shop and much of its paper and metal inventory. The entire concept went over at home like a wooden nickel.

"She was actually dead set against it," recalled Meyer, whose mother long ago had also tried to deter his love of coins by proclaiming "how can a penny ever be worth more than a penny, and who'd be that foolish to buy it?"

But Meyer had a secret weapon in the form of a 1971 proof set of coins that had been mistakenly pressed without the traditional mint mark, making them rare and valuable. "I sold that set and carpeted the whole house with the money," Meyer said with a sly grin. "That helped change her mind."

Meyer bought the shop, and has spent the last 34 years buying, selling, collecting and admiring coins, paper money and other trinkets at Silver Mountain Coins at 909 Mount Rushmore Road.

But now, he's hosting an extended going-out-of-business sale and will close the store this week and give up his retail career for good after an auction of his inventory in December. 

At 70, Meyer said he's very much ready to retire. But his hand was forced some by the coming construction that will tear up Mount Rushmore Road, and the desire of his landlords, Jack and Debra Jensen, to tear down the small concrete block building to make more parking for their Black Hills Bagel shop next door.

"The only reason I've been doing it the past few years is that I like it so much," Meyer said. "The most enjoyable thing? That you can just never tell what's going to come through that door. There's all kinds of different stories in these coins."

There was one time when an elderly lady came in to price out some coins she'd had for years, including a $4 Stella gold coin, of which only 400 were made in 1880. Meyer appraised the value at about $250,000 at the time (he did not buy that one.)

Or when he was flown on a private plane to an area near Faith, S.D. where a man he described as a "hermit" who lived without electricity or running water had died and left behind a stash of money. Meyer was flown in to appraise a collection of coins, including a roll of half-dollars valued at $6,000, that was found on the man's property that also was home to hundreds of thousands in cash.

The ability to recognize rarity and place a value on coins requires a lifetime of experience, Meyer said. While he and other coin dealers use monthly tip sheets, attend regular coin shows and keep close watch on gold and silver values, it takes commitment to become a true expert.

To illustrate his expertise, Meyer points out a counter-intuitive element of coin collecting: "Just because a coin is old doesn't mean it's valuable." For example, he peers into a case with rotating shelves and dials up a coin that looks like it is from Biblical times — a Parthian Vologases III drachm from 105 to 147 A.D.
It has a price tag of $132. "For a coin that's 2,000 years old, 100 years after Christ, that's not much, is it?" he said. "Rare coins are rare mostly because they didn't make many of them."

McBride, Meyer's longtime friend who sold him the store, said Meyer's knowledge and quiet demeanor allowed him to flourish in a small town like Rapid City where coin buyers are few.

"He's a little bit of a quiet type, and it's probably to his benefit because customers always think they're going to get the world for their coins," said McBride, a Rapid City native who recently retired from his coin shop in Daytona Beach, Fla. "Anybody that has survived as long as he has in Rapid City, in such a small building, is doing a great job."

Spending a couple hours in the cramped shop, it seems unlikely anyone could make a living there since only one customer arrived during that time frame and did not buy a single coin. Customer Susan Michaels of Rapid City said she is a committed amateur collector who has gold dollars from the birth years of all her children, and has enjoyed collecting the recently released state and national monument quarters.

She said she'll miss Meyer and his store, even if she often just browses. "I guess I'll have to order online now or go someplace else," she said.

A couple other coin shops still operate in Rapid City, Meyer said, and he expects they've seen the same market changes as him, including the consistently high value of silver and gold, and a shift in customer base away from classic collectors and more to investors looking to make a quick buck.

Through the years, others have tried to make some fast money at Meyer's expense. Burglars have pushed in his air conditioner, throw a cinder block through his door and even shimmied down the chimney to gain access to his coins and cash. The most unique crime came when a burglar took his big black safe and replaced it with a cardboard box painted black thinking that no one would notice. 

Meyer's two sons, Scott and Steve, live in Rapid City and his wife Patricia works at Black Hills Surgical Hospital. He is a calm, somewhat stoic man, but when he tells of his combat experience as a medic in Vietnam, his demeanor changes and his eyes well with tears. Meyer was awarded the Bronze Star with a V for valor after he dodged bullets to treat and then rescue an American soldier who was shot on Hill 55 in DeNang.

"I patched up a guy and dragged him back out of the line of fire," Meyer said. "He got hit eight times, and I gave him morphine and plasma and put his leg in a splint, and it was only 15 minutes from the time he was hit until he was in the hospital."

But Meyer is unlikely to shed a tear over leaving his beloved business behind. That may be because coin dealers never really retire, according to his pal McBride. "I retired two and a half years ago and I played with coins all day today," he said last week.

Indeed, even as he stood among glass cases filled with silver certificates, and shelves stacked with bags and rolls of coins all around him, Meyer said he'll auction off most of his stock but not his entire collection. And he'll never be far from currency or coin.

"I'm sure I'll miss it, coming to work every day," he said. "But I'm just freeing up some time, really, to go to more coin shows."

Monday, November 25, 2013

California City Bans Smoking at Home

This thrust for government to come into your home will remind many of you with Jimmy Carter’s effort for everyone to wear sweaters and for residential thermostats to not exceed 55deg. To conserve oil. The nationwide 55 speed limit was already law. If there ever was a candidate as the greatest flop as a president, include Jimmy.

Sunday, 24 November 2013 23:30
Government isn’t content to control public behavior, it is now clamping down on how citizens act at home, as well.

3 Anonymous Americans Gave $50 Million to Karl Rove's Super Pac; 5 Anonymous Donors Funded Most of Pro-Obama PAC

The 1% wealthy class thank you the 99% for allowing (by force) the IRS to subsidize their living and political pals with your tax money.
Monday, November 25, 2013
Source: AllGov

(graphic: Thomas Nast)
It’s tax time for some political groups, and the available details paint a disturbing picture of plutocracy in 21st century America—which the unavailable details only worsen. 

Crossroads GPS, the campaign funding group launched by Republican politico Karl Rove, claimed on its 2012 tax return that it raised $179.7 million last year, more than twice as much as it did in 2010 and 2011 combined, including individual donations of $22.5 million, $18 million and $10 million, 47 more exceeding $1 million, and 291 who gave $5000 or more. Just 3 donors accounted for 28% of the group’s funding, while million-dollar donors gave at least 54% of it. Out of 1,545 donors in 2012, 1,254 donors gave less than $5,000 each, coming to only 0.2% of Crossroads’ total revenue.

Priorities USA, the Democratic-leaning political nonprofit founded last year by some former aides to Barack Obama, claimed a relatively modest $8.4 million of revenue on its 2012 return, including a donation of $2 million, three of $1 million, one of $900,000, and three of $500,000. Thus 89% of the group's revenues came from eight donors.

Because these groups register themselves with the IRS as “social welfare nonprofits” under section 501(c)(4) of the tax code, they are allowed to keep the names of their donors secret from the public. In return, they are required by law to have a predominantly social welfare purpose, with only incidental political activity. About 150 of these nonprofits reported spending more than $254 million in 2012 on ads, phone calls and mailings, more than 85% of it spent by Republican-leaning groups.

The spending reported by both groups illustrates the problems and abuses of nonprofit status.

Crossroads GPS, the largest political nonprofit, applied for nonprofit status in 2010 after the Supreme Court’s Citizens United ruling allowed unlimited corporate spending on elections, telling the IRS that any spending on elections “will be limited in amount, and will not constitute the organization’s primary purpose.” Accordingly, on its 2012 return Crossroads claims it spent a total of $188.9 million, $112 million (59.2%) of it “on activities related to its social welfare,” and $74.2 million (39.2%) “on direct political activities.” 

But in order to arrive at that ratio, the group had to resort to some rather creative accounting. The “social welfare” spending includes $74.5 million on political advocacy for conservative policies and laws, $35 million in grants to conservative organizations in order to aid in their “social welfare and educational missions,” and $3.2 million on research. That first category includes tens of millions spent on political ads criticizing Obama in swing states during the 2012 election campaign. Crossroads gave grants to Americans for Tax Reform (ATR) ($26.4 million), the Center for Individual Freedom ($2.15 million), and Americans for Job Security ($2 million), telling the IRS that the funds were not to be spent on elections.

Nevertheless, at least one of those groups apparently ignored those alleged restrictions. ATR relied on its Crossroads grant for 85% of its $30.975 million budget in 2012, according to its tax filing for the year, yet it spent at least $9.8 million on politics for the year (or $15.8 million, if you believe ATR’s submission to the Federal Election Commission instead). Under either scenario, ATR spent millions of Crossroads dollars on politics despite that group’s assurance to the IRS that the grant money was for nonpolitical purposes. This sort of political money laundering is apparently not uncommon, and tax filings show several cases of conservative groups networking to give exchange money back and forth.

But Democrats are by no means simon-pure on these issues. Priorities USA spent $4.9 million, 57% of its budget, on grants to other nonprofits, including Planned Parenthood Action Fund ($2.2 million), the Unity Fund ($750,000), a group chaired by Obama bundler Lou Frillman that shares an address with the pro-choice group Emily's List, the League of Conservation Voters ($650,000), People for the American Way ($550,000), America's Voice ($500,000), and Occupy Sandy, a Hurricane Sandy relief effort affiliated with the Occupy movement ($255,000). Like Crossroads, Priorities USA told IRS that its grants were “solely to support [the groups’] social welfare mission,” but Planned Parenthood Action reported to the FEC that it spent more than $6.5 million on the 2012 elections.

With the IRS taking a decidedly hands-off approach to the problem—its only significant enforcement attempt was to deny recognition to one small Democratic group in 2011—the tax returns may nevertheless play a role in the federal lawsuit trying to force the IRS to stop social welfare groups from engaging in this sort of overt political spending.

-Matt Bewig
To Learn More:
Priorities USA Relied on Handful of Donors (by Russ Choma and Robert Maguire,
Anti-Obama Nonprofit Tells IRS It's Not 'Political' (by Michael Beckel, Center for Public Integrity)