This video clip added by CV on 01.15.2015

A small plane taxis at a Polish airport used to ferry terrorism suspects in and out of Poland where the CIA ran a secret prison. (file photo)
End Torture, Shut Down the CIA!: The Ron Paul Institute
Poland's Secret CIA Prison a Site for Torture Cover-Up
Charleston Voice: Has the US Been Taken Over by a CIA ...
A small plane taxis at a Polish airport used to ferry terrorism suspects in and out of Poland where the CIA ran a secret prison. (file photo)
End Torture, Shut Down the CIA!: The Ron Paul Institute
July 28, 2014
of flights to CIA "black site" prisons where it could waterboard
prisoners and use other forms of torture--while US government officials
denied that these illegal practices were being used. Source Written by
Ron Paul.
Charleston Voice: Secret CIA Prisons around the World on ...
Mar 12, 2014
have been following & publishing on the existence/discovery of CIA
secret prisons for a couple of years and it is gratifying to get some
higher up editorial company! Our posts: CIA Prisons This could be the
nastiest horror ...
Poland's Secret CIA Prison a Site for Torture Cover-Up
Jan 23, 2014
who in 2008 denied that there was ever a secret CIA prison in Poland,
opposes the prosecution. In an interview with McClatchy Newspapers, he
said that if anyone were to be prosecuted, it should be Americans, ...
Charleston Voice: Has the US Been Taken Over by a CIA ...
Mar 30, 2014
3, 1963 NYTimes article by Arthur Krock titled "The
Intra-Administration War in Vietnam" mentions a source inside the White
House stating: "The CIA's growth was likened to a malignancy which the
very high official was not sure even the White House could control any
longer." and "If the United States ever experiences an attempt at a ....
CIA & MI6 Get Involved in Malayasia Flight MH370 Mystery. Secret
CIA Prisons around the World on Cusp of Being Exposed.
Feb 07, 2013
at least three CIA prisons where suspects were tortured and abused.
Albania—allowed its military airbase to be used to receive Khaled
El-Masri, a German car salesman whom the CIA kidnapped after ...
Feb 22, 2014
declines once again to answer questions on alleged CIA jails. 20
February 2014, 21:46 CET. (VILNIUS) - Lithuanian prosecutors said
Thursday they have opened an investigation into claims that a Saudi
terror suspect ...
May 24, 2012
are the subject of the controversial issue of Central Intelligence
Agency (CIA) prisons recently uncovered, after reviewing a case
statement which dates from 2002 and 2003, such as a denunciation against
such prisons ...
Oct 23, 2012
plea deal comes just months following an announcement by the US
judiciary that it was closing its investigation of the deaths of foreign
inmates in secret CIA prisons overseas without bringing a single
charge. More>> ...
Apr 04, 2012
03 April 2012 11:43 By Jason Leopold and Jeffrey Kaye Abu Zubaydah, the
first high-value detainee captured after 9/11, was tortured at CIA
black site prisons beginning in May 2002. Seven of the ten techniques he
was subjected ...
Mar 23, 2013
newspaper said, citing unnamed current and former U.S. officials, that
the new CIA effort reflected a change in the administration's approach
that aims to strengthen secular rebel fighters. The CIA has sent
officers to Turkey to help vet rebels who receive arms shipments from
Gulf allies, the ... 3/12/2014. These 54 Governments Secretly Supported
the CIA's Kidnap-and-Torture Program. 3/12/2014. Secret CIA Prisons
around the World on Cusp of Being Exposed.
Mar 31, 2014
just know we'll never get the truthful story with these two cover-up
gangs brought in for the mop-up and deceptive story
fabrication.Obfuscation and opaqueness are vital - not for national
security reasons - but, to prevent ...
Sep 23, 2013
our post of this cover-up last year: Poland's Secret CIA Prison a Site
for Torture Cover-Up – we believe the US CIA and Government of Poland
are colluding in this criminal cover-up, most likely pressured by the
CIA with ...
Jan 18, 2014
of these reports claim that congressional evidence indicates that the
CIA worked with groups which it knew were involved in drug trafficking,
so that these groups would provide them with useful intelligence and
material support, in exchange for allowing their criminal activities to
continue, and impeding or preventing their arrest, indictment, and ...
After serving 17 years in detention and imprisonment, his prison
sentence ended on September 9, 2007. He was held ...
Mar 14, 2014
Barack Obama has insisted he should not get involved in the current
political fight between his Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the
Senate's intelligence committee over documents related to the CIA's
former ...
Nov 28, 2013
detainees were also provided with money and pornography as long as they
agreed to serve as CIA spies once released from the prison. Of the 779
people held at Guantanamo, only a few dozen were ever considered ...
Feb 14, 2013
When reading any document from the CIA or a government division that
was once considered as classified information, the one feature that is
nearly always consistent is that the identities of people who are still
alive are blacked out. This was not the case, however, with Jennifer
Harbury, an American lawyer, human .... Secret CIA Prisons around the
World on Cusp of Being Exposed. 3/16/2014. Obama Executive order targets
U.S. citizens who threaten 'peace' in ...
Sep 14, 2011
agency, he adds, has a "secret prison" under the headquarters of
Somalia's National Security Agency, an arm of the dysfunctional
Western-backed Transitional Federal Government which is kept in power
largely by a ...
Mar 06, 2013
wrongly identified - were often snatched off the streets and flown to
either secret CIA prisons or detention centres operated by other
countries, for example Egypt, where many complained of torture and other
Aug 20, 2013
PHOTO/BEHROUZ MEHRI. TEHRAN (FNA)- Iran on Tuesday called on the US
Intelligence Agency (CIA) to release all its documents on the role it
played in the 1953 Iran coup against the democratically-elected Iranian
Prime Minister, Mohammad Mosaddeq. On August 15, 1953, the British and
... was blacked out at the time, including an entire section on the
coup. Mosaddeq, convicted of treason, served three years in prison and
died under house arrest in 1967.
Apr 06, 2013
sentenced to life in prison for other war crimes, on March 17th he
publicly threatened the current government with a military led uprising.
Videla represents a rule by terror which proved acceptable to the
middle classes ...
Dec 04, 2011
Agents killed Robert Kennedy ... Central banks (361), Central/South
America (47), CFR (167), CFTC (101), China yuan renminbi (197), CIA
(284), CIA Prisons (6), Clinton (4), Coast Guard (12), Coins (263),
Collapse (265), COMEX (137), Communism (9), Con-Con (10), Congress
(416), Congressional Oversight (16), Conspiracy (771), Copper (9),
Corbett Report (2), CorporatistCabals (510), Corruption (1120), CPUSA
(51), Crime (1298), Cuba (6), Currencies (354) ...
Sep 01, 2012
Cuba during 1960, the CIA torched a department store and sugar
plantations, and planted bombs in the downtown tourist centers – aiming
to undermine strategic sectors of the economy. In Chile following the
election of Socialist Salvador Allende, a CIA backed right-wing group
kidnapped and .... Secret CIA Prisons around the World on Cusp of Being
Exposed. Why is the CIA Fighting Release of Documents Relating to 4
Planes that Went Missing in 1980? These 54 ...
Jul 29, 2012
is currently being held in federal prison, but he argues that he is
innocent because he had approval from — and collaborated with — U.S.
agencies in his illegal drug-trafficking operations.
Apr 07, 2012
last time it was an institutionalized crime to owe money within the
context of the Anglosphere was during the British industrial revolution
when there were such things as debtors prisons. Those were eventually
disbanded as it was seen as counterproductive (and even inhuman) to put a
man ... The CIA has long committed murder and mayhem around the world.
In fact, the US and its evolving global interference is simply the
ever-elongating arm of the coming formal ...
Apr 16, 2014
fact, he and George Bush Sr. were friends and colleagues long before
they ... Continued to allow hard drugs to flow into the country
unimpeded while ... China yuan renminbi (194), CIA (278), Clinton (3),
Coast Guard (12) .
Apr 21, 2014
increasing public scrutiny from the fallout after Webb's "Dark
Alliance" series, the CIA conducted its own internal investigations.
Investigative journalist Robert Parry credits Webb for being responsible
for the following ...
Nov 26, 2013
the CIA, US Fed Reserve & Treasury Use the Secret Exchange
Stabilization Fund (ESF) to Hide the Truth from the American People
*video series*. Posted by Charleston Voice. In my amateurish belief this
series of ...
Jan 18, 2014
Most viewers will find this presentation upsetting and unnerving in the
extreme, and certain to shake any trust in elected officials you may
still have from Washington down to your local governments. Sorry, but it
has ...
Jun 13, 2014
2011, the "black" jet switched roles again, transferring from the CIA's
contractor to use instead by the Department of Justice (DoJ). With its
new tail number N977GA the plane became part of the Justice Prisoner and
Alien ...
Feb 19, 2014
is the profound and pervasive power that the CIA, NSA, DIA and US State
Department exert around the globe. Even with the countless alternative
news websites on the internet exposing US-UK-EU crimes against other ...
May 21, 2014
1960s Black Ops Plot to Terrorize US Cities & Blame Cuba. Posted by
Charleston Voice. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Operation
Northwoods memorandum (13 March 1962). Operation Northwoods was a
series ...
Apr 21, 2014
was the name of a secret Berlin Tunnel project undertaken by the
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the British Secret Intelligence
Service (SIS) in the early to mid-1950s. The audacious plan involved
digging ...