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Thursday, May 24, 2012

Frontline On MF Global's Six Billion Dollar Bet *vid*

UPDATE: Since this post crashed the video servers when it went up last night, we are reposting it again for our readers' convenience.

While the sur-realities of just what Corzine and the rest of the MF Global 'traders' did has been extensively discussed here and elsewhere, PBS' Frontline provides the most succinct (and relatively in-depth) documentary on just what occurred from how the corrupt CEO lobbied regulators who had the power to stop his risky bets to the endgame realization of the missing customer money. A narrative, not just of "a bet that went bad", but "a Wall Street morality tale". Must watch!

 The story of Jon Corzine, the former head of Goldman Sachs and political power broker, who took over MF Global in the spring of 2010 with oversize ambition and a passion for risk. But after a massive bet on European debt turned sour, the firm lay in ruins, with more than a billion dollars of customer funds missing.

Watch Six Billion Dollar Bet on PBS. See more from FRONTLINE.
Source @ZeroHedge