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Monday, May 21, 2012

JP Morgan’s Regulatory Arbitrage of turning Financial Loss into Political Profit *vid*

Featuring Zero Hedge's Tyler Durden

Bloomberg reports investors are worried JP Morgan is planning to pull back in the European mortgage bond market in the wake of the CIO disaster, causing significant volatility. JP Morgan is the biggest buyer of European home-loan bonds. Is this just one of many examples of how JP Morgan’s reckless 
$2 4 5 7 billion dollar trading loss may be felt most by other people and firms, while JP Morgan could, perversely enough, actually be the firm to benefit most?

The numbers seem to indicate that when there is a crisis in the financial industry, there is a push towards more regulation. Our guest on today’s Capital Account, ZeroHedge contributing editor Bob English (aka Tyler Durden), argues that the real problem is moral hazard and lack of personal accountability. Combine this with free money lent by the Fed, and you have an environment that is not only hospitable, but ideal for Whales like the one we saw in JP Morgan.

Source SilverDoctors