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Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Bundesbank Gold - Jim Willie - Max Keiser

Jim Willie collapseThe Golden Jackass Jim Willie sat down with The Doc this weekend for the second part of an extraordinary interview regarding gold, silver, and what Willie believes will soon be a massive European banking collapse. 

Willie states that a global financial collapse is now at our doorstep, and that the endgame will be triggered by a small-medium sized bank failure in Europe.

Willie informs SD readers that the coming European bust will ignite a global Gold rush as the only remaining safe haven, will see an end to the reserve status of the USdollar, and will result in the arrival of the Gold Trade Finance platforms. 

Willie also discusses The Fed’s futile attempts to re-inflate the housing bubble, and the series of climax events that will bring a breath-taking global financial collapse to our doorstep!

The Golden Jackass states that the coming collapse will devastate everyone in the West except those who are bold enough and brave enough to buy gold & silver NOW!


Click here for Jim Willie’s second part of an explosive, 2-part interview with The Doc: