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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

PAGE will change the price discovery mechanism for gold

Informative interview about the PAGE (Pan Asian Gold Exchange).

I am not as sanguine as James' guest, however, that PAGE will
be the 'dog that wags the tail' - unlike the COMEX whereby the
banking cartel wags both ends of the dog, ie, the gold spot price
AND the paper price.

Did God create a human nature different in Shanghai or Hong Kong
than the greed metastasized in Mexico City, London, Frankfurt, or
New York? Will the Chinese Communists have the integrity to resist the
banking cartel's unimagineable wealth to be heaped upon them if they
collaborate? Sadly, like the Americans and Europeans, the Chinese will
capitulate, and their citizens submission to servitude won't be realized
until their great-great-great grandchildren spring to life.

Already, the Reds have awarded contracts to foreign banks to run the
theft scheme on their exchanges, two being ANZ (Australia-New Zeland)
and HSBC, both Rothschild affiliates.

Indeed, Goldman Sachs laid the groundwork well by having
its own Hank Paulson make 70+ trips to china while with GS.

The Middle East is not as obliging and must be brought in tow
by terrorizing and killing them.