(This is the book that got my butt in gear. I've been a steadfast kook ever since!)
Posted on July 17, 2011 by Vicki, of the Meek & Robison clans

Author: Gary Allen
Date: 1971
LINKS: Read in PDF or Read Online
Buy a hard copy of “None Dare Call It Conspiracy”
Excerpt: “When you think about it,
there are really only two theories of history. Either things happen by
accident neither planned nor caused by anybody, or they happen because
they are planned and somebody causes them to happen . . . Why does
every recent Administration make the same mistakes as the previous
ones? Why do they repeat the errors of the past which produce
inflation, depressions and war? Why does our State Department
‘stumble’ from one Communist-aiding ‘blunder’ to another? If you
believe it is all an accident or the result of mysterious and
unexplainable tides of history, you will be regarded as an
‘intellectual’ who understands that we live in a complex world. If you
believe that something like 32,496 consecutive coincidences over the
past forty years stretches the law of averages a bit, you are a kook!”
I wish that every citizen of every country in the free world and every slave behind the Iron Curtain might read this book. –Ezra Taft Benson — Former Secretary of Agriculture
NDCC is an admirable job of amassing
information to prove that communism is socialism and socialism (a plot
to enslave the world) is not a movement of the downtrodden but a scheme
supported and directed by the wealthiest of people. If enough
Americans read and act upon NDCC, they really can save the Republic
from the conspirators — whose plans for the destruction of our country
are galloping fast toward completion. –Dan Smoot — Former Assistant to J. Edgar Hoover
Now that NDCC is available, I no
longer need to answer “no” to the question which is often put to me,
namely: “Mr. Dodd, is there a book which I can read so I can know what
you know?” No higher praise is possible for this book. –Norman Dodd — Chief Investigator Reece Committee to Investigate Foundations
This book concerns the way in which
our nation and other nations are actually governed. As Benjamin Disaeli
said, this is not the way in which most people think nations are
governed. The whole subject of the Insiders who so largely control our
political and economic lives is a fascinating mystery. For the reader
who is intelligent but uninitiated in the literature of superpolitics, I
can think of no better introduction to the field than NDCC. –Dr. Medford Evans — Former Chief of Security for the Atom Bomb Project
Since people of the Jewish faith have
been the number one historical victims of the Communist Conspiracy, we
wish every member of our faith would carefully read this book so they
will become aware of the forces which often attempt to manipulate
them. –Dr. Barney Finkel — President, The Jewish Right
Whatever one dares to call the
apparatus described and documented in this book, he will ignore it at
his peril. 1972 may well be our last chance to defuse this destructive
device. This book tells you how you can expose and demolish it. –Dean Clarence E. Manion — Former Dean Notre Dame law School
What they were saying about “None Dare Call It Conspiracy in 1972…
Note: By 1972, the press was already quite controlled, which is obvious by the following newspaper articles. The only people who had anything good to say about Gary Allen’s book were readers of the newspapers, in the ‘Letters to the Editor’ columns. Of the free-access newspapers I have located in the archives, I haven’t found a single “Book Review” from the country’s newspaper book reviewers. Instead, the book is reviewed by opinion columnists, who — much like today’s mainstream reporters — treat all conspiracies as fantasies to be laughed at instead of studied. “None Dare Call It Conspiracy” was quite an appropriate title, as is evident by its response in the mainstream papers of the day. –Vicki Robison