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Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Massacres and Murder of Black Libyans Continues Unabated Under NATO Rebels

Posted: 2011/08/31
From: Mathaba

Areas occupied by rebels supported by NATO such as many areas of Tripoli since the ground invasion launch 10 days ago, continue to experience massacres with Black Libyans and other Black Africans a specially favored target of the racists

For six months now, especially Black Libyans and other Black Africans have been the victims of massacres, torture, shooting, abuse and humiliation, and this has not abated at all under the NATO-led occupation of many parts of Tripoli after cutting off water to the population for 10 days now has caused resistance losses.

The racists have also been encouraged by news reports which showed NATO air craft and sea vessels, including the French aircraft carried Charles De Gaulle, deliberately leaving Black refugees including babies to die on the open sea along side their war vessels without offering any assistance.

The following video was uploaded to YouTube on Friday 26th, already several days into the ground invasion.

Taking a queue from the American mercenaries in Abu Graib Iraq, the Al-Qaida rebels and other foreign mercenaries from Qatar and other Arab countries under the watchful eyes of western "special forces" from Britain, France, USA and other states, proudly film these actions on their mobile phones, whilst claiming to be Muslims.

Images from Tripoli in the days following the August 21 invasion: