Steven Mosher of is reporting some horrific news. Thanks to conservative Kansas Republican Rep. Tim Huelskamp, who made this discovery. . .
During a meeting yesterday with members of the House Budget Committee, Congressman Huelskamp asked Gao Qiang, who served for two years as the Party Secretary for the Ministry of Health of the People’s Republic of China, about the country’s population control policy.
Through an interpreter, Party Secretary Gao responded that the population of China is 400 million less than it would have been had the Party not adopted and enforced a one-child policy. He went on to say that China had prevented more births than the population of the United States, which currently stands at 312 million.And, of course, most of the murdered infants are girls. Christians just 100 years ago, were wondering in amazement how the Bible’s prophecy of the 200,000,000 man armies of the “Kings of the East” could possibly come true. Well. . .

The social and economic consequences of a population that is hugely, disproportionately male are obvious. Millions and millions of young men – a huge shortage of women, coupled with economic instability. . .Mao Tse-tung bragged that he could put 200,000,000 boots on the ground. Now, India is following in China’s footsteps – from -
So reports a new study in the Lancet: “Trends in selective abortions of girls in India” by Jha et al. The main finding is that “Selective abortions of girls totalled about 4.2—12.1 million from 1980—2010, with a greater rate of increase in the 1990s than in the 2000s.”
Note that there was still an increase in girls being aborted, or there was no change, in the 2000s. The rate of increase slowed, but not the mismatched abortion rate. This reinforces work the same authors did earlier.
Somewhat frighteningly, the authors write, “After adjusting for excess mortality rates in girls, our estimates of number of selective abortions of girls rose from 0—2.0 million in the 1980s, to 1.2—4.1 million in the 1990s, and to 3.1—6·0 million in the 2000s.” Even after girls make it past the womb—a dangerous place—they are still dying at rates faster than males. It doesn’t pay to be female in India!
The Biblical prophecies don’t sound too fantastical these days - do they?
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