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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Might As Well Vote for Obama

by L. Neil Smith 
Attribute to L. Neil Smith's The Libertarian Enterprise
Grin and Bear It was the name of a Sunday comic strip I loved. Its writer/artist went by the name George Lichty. When I was a kid, he did one I've always remembered. In Stalinist Russia, two bureaucrats with star-shaped "Hero" medals on their chests stand either side of an office safe with a broken door. One of the two is lamenting, "Is terrible news, Comrade! Someone is stealing results of next week's election!"

Welcome to 21st century America.

You've seen it yourself, and recently. The state-controlled "news" media announce that Michelle Bachmann (or Herman Cain or whoever) wins a "straw poll", while Mitt Romney (or some other zombie) takes third, and Rick Perry, a southern-fried born-again New Englander pretending to be something real, trades him—in this instance—for fourth place.
Guess who came in second.

Notice that there's no question mark at the end of that sentence, because it's not a question—it's an instruction. All any of us can do is guess, because the round-heeled press, those well-known ladies and gentlemen of the evening, are paid obscene salaries not to tell you. And to help cram another mercantilist goon down our collective throat.

Mitt Romney (if you'll pardon the expression) wants to allow the Federal Reserve cartel—the real reason that the rich grow richer in this country and the poor grow poorer—an alien excrescence on these shores and a self-confessed deadly enemy of the people of America and their Constitution, continue to bleed the Productive Class as if nothing at all untoward had happened here, on or since September 11, 2001.

Or since 1913, for that matter.

While he attacks Obamacare, when he was governor of Massachusetts, this pathetic excuse for a leader imposed a brutal system of "healthcare" on the state precisely as evil and pernicious as the current federal mess, and he will not renounce it or apologize for it, even though it's rapidly destroying the state and the wellbeing of its people. He is also a stubborn purveyor of the great pseudoscientific hoax of our times—global warming—perhaps in hopes that he will be the one to wield the power it offers to ambitious and authoritarian politicians.

He is a meat-puppet for the Israeli government, the only thing he seems to disagree with the United Nations about. He's a big fan of Agenda 21.

Romney's record on defending the unalienable individual, civil, Constitutional, and human right of every man, woman, and responsible child, to obtain, own, and carry, openly or concealed, any weapon— rifle, shotgun, handgun, machinegun, anything—any time, any place, without asking anyone's permission, is comparable to that of Charles Schumer, Carolyn McCarthy, and Sarah Brady. Like them, he is clearly of the opinion that it's better to see a woman raped in an alley and strangled with her pantyhose than see her with a gun in her hand... finished at source