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Thursday, September 22, 2011

NATO's darling little "rebels"

NATO's darling little What is the latest on NATO's darlings, the TNC in Libya, the "interim government" recognised by the majority of the international community's representatives, wholly and totally against the hearts and minds of the 7- billion-strong world community? We present a battle report, facts and figures based on figures released by the Libyan authorities.

One day after the gang rape of a group of Negro women in a part of Tripoli by these savages, who have already declared they are in favour of ethnic cleansing, we have an entire family, including women and children, slaughtered in their vehicle by these demonic pigs... because their family name was Gaddafi. Remind me to put the name Jibril down in my notebook... Nice guys... And what was that about the "rape" by "Gaddafi troops"? Seems we finally find out who the rapists are.

NATO is now formally accused of over 2,000 murders in Libya (in fact it is far more, scroll down). Precision-bombing family homes, blasting the faces and limbs off kids is so cool, Cameron, isn't it? Is it true that David William Donald "If I have to pay it back, then I shall" Cameron punched the air and said "YES!" when he heard that a Gaddafi home had been destroyed in a NATO terrorist strike, then made a pumping movement with his fist...when it turned out this was the terrorist attack which murdered Colonel Gaddafi's three grandchildren? Nice man...

As for Sarko the "Why is my wife hanging out with drug addicts" Psycho and that sickening apology Barack "Change? Ha! To Hell with the Nobel Peace Prize" Obomber, I have yet to hear either of them apologise for the murders of little children. Could it be that they don't care? One wonders what they would say if it happened to their children. Nice men...

It seems the UNATO/Fascist/Terrorist/FUKUS (France-UK-US) alliance has finally managed to regionalise its nice little colonialist adventure to steal Libya's oil and gas (after all it cannot be about democracy - both NATO and its terrorist darlings the NTC refused the offer of an election from the Jamahiriya Government). Peaceful protests outside the US Embassy in Accra, Ghana on Wednesday against the FUKUS adventure in Libya were broken up and the demonstrators detained, after apparently the US Ambassador warned the local authorities that the Africans demonstrating would be shot if they got close to the Embassy. How tactful...

Meanwhile more disgusting and horrific crimes have been uncovered perpetrated by the FUKUS protected darlings, Jibril's terrorists. Destruction, rape, murder, pillaging. The work of demons.

Battle report

The western media said yesterday that Sebha had been captured by the terrorists, Then they said some districts had been captured. What they meant was that a column of this filth attacked Sebha, was driven back and fled. Gardabia airport south of Sebha is firmly in control of the Libyan Armed Forces (LAF).

Around 400 NATO-backed Tunisian terrorists were captured today by the Libyan Armed Forces. They affirmed that NATO is recruiting thousands of Tunisians and Egyptians to fight against the Libyan population and stated that they have not been paid for several days... continue