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Thursday, September 22, 2011

NLRB’s Assault on Workers is Undermining Job Creation, Economic Growth

September 22nd 2011
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Kline: NLRB’s Assault on Workers is Undermining Job Creation, Economic Growth
Employee testifies NLRB restricted her right to a secret ballot
WASHINGTON, D.C. | September 22, 2011 – The House Education and the Workforce Committee, chaired by Rep. John Kline (R-MN), today held a hearing entitled, “Culture of Union Favoritism: Recent Actions of the National Labor Relations Board.”

The hearing centered on a series of controversial decisions issued by the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) in late August, as well as the board’s decision to force employers to promote unionization in the workforce and advance sweeping changes to the rules that govern union elections.

“Through three decisions handed down in one afternoon, the board restricted workers’ right to a secret ballot election, undermined employers’ ability to maintain unity in the workplace, and created new barriers for those who wish to challenge union representation,” Chairman Kline said in his opening remarks. “For anyone following the Obama board, this barrage of activist decisions – however unacceptable – was not unexpected. But for workers and job creators struggling to move this country forward, it is an outrage.”

Throughout the hearing, members of the committee discussed the impact these decisions will have on workers and job-creators. One case in particular is an unprecedented setback to workers’ right to a secret ballot union election. In its Lamons Gasket decision, the board reversed a 2007 holding which provided workers 45 days to request a secret ballot election if their employer decided to voluntarily recognize union representation.

The board’s decision will force workers like Ms. Barbara Ivey to wait months and possibly years before having the opportunity to cast a secret ballot. During the hearing, Ms. Ivey was asked by Rep. Martha Roby why her right to vote was so important. To watch Ms. Ivey’s response, click on the video below:
