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Monday, September 12, 2011

Rick Perry - his real record and why 1) he should NOT be president

 ... 2) and why folks should puke on his campaign

Rick Perry’s record:

• Toll Roads and Trans Texas Corridor – Is it socialism, fascism or communism? Keeps trying to ram Trans Texas Corridor (TTC) down Texans throats. Massive land grab. Toll roads are gargantuan TAX increases, debt time bombs and an attack on property rights. Rick Perry has instituted a huge tax increase in Texas in the form of toll roads; going from zero debt on roads to $30 billion in toll road debt in 10 years as Perry sells off Texas’ public infrastructure. They will financially blow up later, just like real estate market did, because of the high leverage. (2003-2011)

• Business Margins Tax – backdoor state income tax (2006)
• Cheats on Anita – has sex with hookers and sluts, while spouting Christian buzzwords. Google “Why Anita Perry Never Smiles,” Google “Rick Perry Adultery.”
• HPV vaccine mandate – Attack on parental rights. Tried to make every 12 year old girl in Texas be forced to take Gardisil shots because his former Chief of Staff Mike Toomey is a lobbyist for Merck. Perry literally tried to mandate this by executive decree as if he were a Hillary Clinton dictator until the Lege crushed it overwhelmingly. (2007)
• FLDS El Dorado raid – Massive attack on parental rights and home schoolers; Religious Oppression. 438 children ripped away from parents and traumatized for months. Out of control Child Protective Services goons raid based on crank phone call; breaks up dozens of families. Courts overturn all this and Perry never apologizes – shameless. (2008)
• Was Democrat Al Gore’s campaign chairman 1988 – for all of Texas. Then Karl Rove recruited Perry to switch parties so Perry could win Agricultural Commissioner as a Republican. Rick Perry is a Trojan Horse for statism cloaked in Tea Party rhetoric and Christian Bible talk buzzwords. Very cynical.
• Defeats Steven Wayne Smith – makes robo phone calls against most conservative Supreme Court judge in modern Texas history. Smith was the equivalent of Robert Bork, probably the best judge we had in Texas in 50 years. His crime was beating RINO, Xavier Rodriguez, appointee of Rick Perry in a primary. Perry got in a funk and vowed to bring down Smith next time and he did. Rodriguez also made some pro-abortion rulings. (2004)
• Supports No Child Left Behind Act and Dept. of Education (Hey, is the federal government running your local school in the Constitution? Fine with Rick Perry.)
• Instituted state CHIP program for Texas!, a widely abused program and one more step to socialized medicine, more taxes and rationed healthcare. (Hey, is CHIP in the 10th Amendment?)
• Supports Sobriety Check Points! Unconstitutional trashing of YOUR 4th Amendment rights where everyone is pulled over with no probable cause and no reasonable suspicion. (Perry supported SB 298 bill) 2009
• Vetoes Texas Eminent Domain Bill – taking your land for a toll road more important than signing property rights protection overwhelmingly passed by Legislature. (2007)
• Signs Hate Crimes bill -- Attack on free speech and creates thought crimes, includes sexual orientation as a class! (2001)
• Governor for NINE years, then reads about the 10th Amendment a few years ago. Trying to piggy back on Ron Paul and the Tea Party movement. Completely insincere because for 9 years Perry never said an ill word about federal incroachments, No Child Left Behind, etc. (2009)
• Endorses liberal cross dresser and gun grabber Rudy Guiliani for President (2008) – tells his good friend Mike Huckabee I love you like a brother, but you can’t win so I am going with gun grabber Rudy Julie Annie, he’s a sure thing! The Bilderbergers said I can be VP if I grovel enough and am for toll roads, globalism, open borders, big government, big pharma and, of course, the Federal Reserve.
• Globalist bootlicker – Bilderberger toady (2007). For United Nations, NAFTA, CAFTA, Trans Texas Corridor.
• Token opposition to illegal immigration – probably because the illegals will be building all his toll roads!
• Does not stand up for elected State Board of Education every time it gets castrated by the liberals in the legislature Throws crumbs to conservatives on SBOE, but when they really need him, hides under desk, sticks fingers in ears. Did not veto SBOE redistricting map which was designed to castrate conservatives. (2011).
• Texas Enterprise Fund – basically, Rick Perry’s slush fund for politically connected insiders, another WASTE of your tax dollars. Gave $20 Million to Country Wide Financial which went bankrupt. Many company executives who get access to this slush fund are – you guess it – Perry contributors. Rick Perry has a massive cronyism problem. Supports $5 titty bar tax on every patron of a strip club – Wife Anita also supports it. “Wife” Anita on salary for $65,000/year at the Texas Association Against Sexual Assault and titty bar tax is their #1 legislative agenda item. TAASA receives state money already and wants to get grubby hands on titty bar tax. Titty bar tax ruled unconstitutional by lower courts. (2010) Adulterer Rick has sex with strippers on the side and does not pay $5 titty bar tax.
• Refused to stay the death sentence of Cameron Todd Willingham – Willingham had been convicted of murdering his family via an arson determination that was based on junk science. Even worse, Perry later removed 3 members of board of the Texas Forensic Science Commission that was investigating the case and put political pressure on the head of the panel (2009)
• Supported whopping $3 Billion Cancer BONDS, the Lance Armstrong cancer tax – more taxing, borrowing and spending. (2007). For Texas borrowing money to go into the cancer research business.
• Tries to intimidate FEMALE state trooper who pulls him over for speeding while he was lieutenant governor, telling her “Why don’t you just let us get on down the road?” as she was writing him a ticket. (1999)
• Tells a Houston tv reporter Ted Oberg “Adios, mofo.” (2005)
• Wants to use Texas Teacher and State Employee Retirement Money on risky TOLL ROADS!