Mia Garza
SACRAMENTO, CA - A 31-year-old woman described by one victim as a "serial identity thief" was sentenced to more than 12 years in prison in what detectives say is the largest ID theft case they've ever seen.
PREVIOUS STORY: Cops say suspected data thief continued spending while awaiting trial
Mia Garza was an employee of the SEIU United Healthcare Workers Union in 2007 when she took home a computer file containing the personal information of 29,500 Kaiser Permanente employees.
Garza then went on a spending spree using the stolen identities of at least 300 victims. Items included a $1,000 pair of shoes, Gucci bags and a mail-order Yorkshire terrier.
Garza was arrested by detectives with the Sacramento County High Tech Crimes Task Force in Dec. 2009 as she prepared for a $12,000 liposuction procedure at a local clinic.
Nine current and former Kaiser employees who were victimized by Garza spoke at Thursday's sentencing. All told stories of financial devasation as a result of the ID theft.
"How dare she take from me what I worked so hard for," Jennifer Maday told Sacramento County Superior Judge Gary Ransom.
A Kaiser doctor was among those who said they are still unable to buy anything on credit.
"I think the most embarrassing incident came when I was unable to buy a $20 shirt at Macy's," said Dr. Robin Salter.
Michelle Lites believes that even after Garza is released from prison, her victims will still be dealing with the mess she created.
"My biggest concern is my information is still out there," she said.
Garza read a letter to the court apologizing to her victims for the crimes, while blaming a drug habit and an abusive boyfriend.
A restitution hearing is scheduled for Jan. 10. Sacramento County Deputy District Attorney Robert Clancey said he will seek repayment of more than $1 million.
by George Warren, GWarren@news10.net