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Friday, September 2, 2011

Wikileaks Releases Entire 65 Gigabyte Uncensored Cablegate Archive

(With Or Without Bank Of America (Disclosure)

Tyler Durden's picture

Looks like Wikileaks is not waiting to see how litigation with the Guardian turns out and is set on doing all it can to bring the world to the brink of, what's that word again, oh yes, war. And a free Zero Hedge hat to the first guy or gal (the latter gets a choice of ZH thong instead) to discover whatever it is that Wiki may or may not have had on Bank of America. Something tells us not many people will be sleeping at the Department of State tonight.

From a just released tweet by @WikiLeaks
Full, unencrypted, Cablegate2 archive:

Cut and paste the following URL into a "magnet" compatible Bittorrent download client:

Or for older Bittorrent clients:
The files are compressed with "7zip"( and unpack to 60Gb.
If you have 60Gb or more of web-server space, unpack the material and tweet a link to it, prefixed by #wlmir

IF you downlaoded the encrypted file we announced previously, you don't have to download the unencrypted torrent Instead, decrypt the encrypted file, name it cablegate-201108300212.7z and put it into your torrent client's download directory. Then tell your client to add the torrent at and it will be automatically seeded.