Accuracy in Media

Although he describes himself as new to professional agitation, Trainor runs the “No Cure For That” website and served as a writer/media consultant for Dennis Kucinich’s 2008 presidential campaign. Kucinich is the Cleveland Democrat perhaps best known for proposing a “Department of Peace” for the U.S. Government.
Trainor was calm during my interview. But he was yelling and screaming “Occupy” during one of his early speeches to the crowd at Freedom Plaza, which is U.S. National Park Service property. “I am here until it is done,” he proclaimed. He has produced a video insisting that President Obama, like Libya’s deposed ruler Moammar Gaddafi, is “unfit to lead” and “disconnected from reality.”
Perhaps Obama should rethink his praise of these protesters. Or perhaps the President’s plan is to use them for his own purposes.
The protesters have made a mess of Freedom Plaza and their tents make it almost impossible for tourists and families to enjoy the area of inlaid stone that is usually used for festivals and other civic gatherings. It is against the law for protesters in this area to erect tents, live there and prepare food.
The law states, “Temporary structures may not be used outside designated camping areas for living accommodation activities such as sleeping, or making preparations to sleep (including the laying down of bedding for the purpose of sleeping), or storing personal belongings, or making any fire, or doing any digging or earth breaking or carrying on cooking activities.”

What’s more, in violation of the law, Trainor says the U.S. National Park Service has given them a permit to remain there for the next four months.
Trainor told me that the anti-Wall Street protesters believe they will bring down the government and create a new system based on higher taxes for the rich, free health care for all, an end to wars, etc. It is tempting to laugh at them, except for the fact that veterans of the 1960s protests as well as Soros-funded groups like Think Progress are putting their weight behind these determined Marxists, misfits and crazies.
Pat Garofalo, Economic Policy Editor for at the Center for American Progress Action Fund, has appeared on the Vladimir Putin-funded Thom Hartmann Russia Today propaganda program, as well as on foreign-funded Al-Jazeera. Garofalo is defending the protests against charges that demonstrators are freaks. The “Occupy Wall Street” protest that began in New York City “has sparked an entire movement, based on the principle that the economy should work for everyone, not simply the richest one percent,” he gushes.
It is significant that the protests have support from a Moscow-funded channel eager to depict America as a capitalist economy under siege by its own citizens. The protests make for good global anti-American propaganda.
You may recall that Hartmann, another mouthpiece for the protesters, is the progressive media star whograbbed my camera in disgust when I questioned him about how much money he was getting paid by Moscow.
While Hartmann made a fool of himself, the so-called mainstream media in the U.S. are more sophisticated and not so blatant or stupid about revealing their own agenda of making these protests into something they’re not. Simple research reveals that the protest movement is anything but a spontaneous uprising.
The organizers are long-time activists from the far-left fringes. The Freedom Plaza encampment, with about two dozen tents, has one devoted to media and another concerned with legal help. The old communist-front National Lawyers Guild is supplying the lawyers... read more>>