Sunday, 16 October 2011 14:00
Written by Daniel Sayani
The Occupy Wall Street movement is no stranger to controversy. The protests have drawn extremists and radicals of various stripes, from labor union members, to far-left Democrats, and members of various communist and socialist movements. As reported earlier by The New American, the movement has even been home to several high-profile anti-Semites, who, like their statist intellectual heroes Marx, Keynes, and Proudhon, blame their woes on perceived Jewish involvement in free-market capitalism. However, an analysis of the movement also reveals deep-seated connections between its Marxist members and radical Islamist groups, a classical example of the Islamo-Communist connection identified on many occasions as fueling the “Arab Spring” protests.
The organizers of the protests are the first to admit that they are directly inspired by the protests raging across the Arab world, which began last winter in Cairo, Egypt’s Tahrir Square, and are informed by the “revolutionary Arab Spring tactic to achieve our ends.” Protesters are told to “Stand, Walk, and Unite like Egyptians,” and are told to wait for their “Tahrir moment.” Just as the protests in Egypt and elsewhere across the Middle East are orchestrated by the collusion of various Leninist, Trotskyite, and socialist parties with the Muslim Brotherhood and al Qaeda, their American incarnation also involves the radical left collaborating with various Islamist subversives.
Arab Spring, American Autumn
Many leading leftist “intellectuals” have identified the protests as an “American Autumn” response to “Arab Spring.” Cornel West, a board member of the Democratic Socialists of America and leading Marxist ideologue, stated in an interview with Amy Goodman (host of the communist-backed radio show “Democracy Now”) that he perceives the movement as one that will usher in a global socialist revolution:
In the end we’re really talking about what Martin [Luther] King would call a revolution; a transfer of power from oligarchs to everyday people of all colors, and that is a step-by-step process. It’s a democratic process, it’s a non-violent process, but it is a revolution, because these oligarchs have been transferring wealth from poor and working people at a very intense rate in the last 30 years, and getting away with it, and then still smiling in our faces and telling us it’s our fault. That’s a lie, and this beautiful group is a testimony to that being a lie. When you get the makings of a U.S. autumn responding to the Arab Spring, and is growing and growing—-I hope it spills over to San Francisco and Chicago and Miami and Phoenix, Arizona, with our brown brothers and sisters, so it begins to coalesce.
In addition, Van Jones, the controversial former Obama “Green Jobs” czar-nominee, has also praised the revolutionary nature of the protests and their connection to Arab Spring. In an interview with HBO’s Bill Maher, Jones called for an “American Autumn” movement to serve as a progressive, populist, counter-Tea Party political movement that, incidentally, would usher in an “October Revolution” (Jones, ironically, referenced the Bolshevik takeover of Russia in October 1917).
In addition, the same forces propelling the protests in Egypt and across the Middle East are largely responsible for financing the “organized chaos” on Wall Street. In Egypt, the unofficial, de facto head of the opposition, presidential hopeful Mohammed ElBaradei (former Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency), sits on the leadership of the International Crisis Group alongside George Soros, Zbigniew Brzezinski, and other international elitists. Soros had a direct hand in drafting a post-Mubarak Egyptian constitution, and is currently financing the Occupy Wall Street movement through outfits such as the Tides Foundation (which funds Adbusters, the leftist publication that instigated the protests), ACORN, the member bodies of the AFL-CIO, and other “progressive” groups. In addition, just as communist bodies such as the Tagammu Party (a Marxist body working with the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt), Code Pink, the International ANSWER Coalition, and the Trotskyite Fourth International have hailed the protests across the Middle East, so too have these groups proudly orchestrated the Occupy Wall Street movement....read more>>