The Federal Government: A Threat to Liberty
by Mike Maharrey
We continue to see evidence that the majority of American’s accept the fundamental principle our founders held as they formed the United States: that the federal government should exercise limited and defined powers, restrained within constitutional parameters. Granted, they may not express it in those words, but several measures of public opinion over the last week indicate that majorities of Americans embrace these core values.
Last week, the Tenth Amendment Center reported Rasmussen polling data showing a majority of Americans believe states should have the power to opt out of federal programs and that a question centering on the Tenth Amendment received the most votes prior to the Fox News presidential debate on Sept. 22. You can read more about that here and here.
Now we have Gallup polling data indicating a vast majority of Americans “are dissatisfied with the nation’s governance,” and further that nearly half of those polled believe the federal government possesses too much power. (more…)

Last week, the Tenth Amendment Center reported Rasmussen polling data showing a majority of Americans believe states should have the power to opt out of federal programs and that a question centering on the Tenth Amendment received the most votes prior to the Fox News presidential debate on Sept. 22. You can read more about that here and here.
Now we have Gallup polling data indicating a vast majority of Americans “are dissatisfied with the nation’s governance,” and further that nearly half of those polled believe the federal government possesses too much power. (more…)