While reviewing the writings of the revisionist historian and former teacher of mine James J. Martin, I came upon a reference to John Maynard Keynes's German-language edition of his General Theory, published in 1936.[1][2] In this edition, Keynes wrote a special foreword for his German readers. This foreword has been largely overlooked by hagiographers, economists, historians, and journalists — definitely by sympathetic politicians and bureaucrats. At the time of the German foreword, September 1936, Adolf Hitler's National Socialists had been in power for nearly four years.
The kernel of Keynes's thought is summarized in a short passage within the foreword:
The theory of aggregate production, which is the point of the following book, nevertheless can be much easier adapted to the conditions of a totalitarian state than the theory of production and distribution of a given production put forth under conditions of free competition and a large degree of laissez-faire. This is one of the reasons that justifies the fact that I call my theory a general theory.[3]Keynes called his theory "general" because he claimed it would work not only in a laissez-faire setting but also, and more easily, in a totalitarian one. This contrasts with classical Austrian economics, which recommends free men and laissez-faire.
In a letter to Sir Percival Liesching of the British Board of Trade dated October 8, 1943, Keynes also made the following clear and unequivocal declarations:
Thank you for your note on state trading. If in this matter you leave loop-holes in your scheme, it will not upset me. Indeed, the more loop-holes you leave the wiser you will be in my opinion.
As you know, I am afraid, a hopeless sceptic about this return to nineteenth century laissez faire, for which you and the U.S. State Department seem to have such a nostalgia.
I believe the future lies with
Yet all these future instrumentalities for orderly economic life in the future you seek to outlaw.[4]
- State trading for commodities;
- International cartels for necessary manufactures; and
- Quantitive import restrictions for nonessential manufactures.
Is the administration at the same time working to create a totalitarian state where Keynesian economics has a better chance of success?
Do Americans want to sacrifice their remaining freedom in order to prove Lord Keynes correct?
Who is confronting the administration with these questions?
Allen McDaniels is a practicing physician in San Pedro, California who developed an interest in revisionist history under the tutelage of Professor James J. Martin at Robert LeFevre's Freedom School in Colorado. Dr. McDaniels also teaches medical acupuncture to physicians at UCLA, Stanford, and the US military; and he is a past director of the American Academy of Medical Acupuncture. Send him mail.
See Allen McDaniels's article archives.
See the Keynes CV Post Library