The pro-life group Operation Rescue has released a new timeline covering, very specifically, all of the details related to the massive scandal involving HHS Secretary and former Kansas governor Kathleen Sebelius.
The Obama official has come under heavy fire from prolife groups who are pointing out how a state attorney general she appointed in Kansas destroyed documents related 107 criminal charges former Kansas Attorney General Phill Kline filed against the abortion business. The charges alleged that planned Parenthood failed to report cases of child rape on children on whom Planned Parenthood did abortions, that it failed to test whether an unborn child was viable (as required by state law) before doing a late-term abortion, and that it manipulated records it submitted to the state to cover up those crimes.

Because former attorney general Steve Six, the Sebelius appointee, destroyed the documents, a court dismissed all of the felony charges filed against Planned Parentood because the evidence supporting those charges had been destroyed.
Now, Operation Rescue has released today a brief video and updated timeline detailing events leading to the recent revelations that crucial evidence against a Kansas Planned Parenthood was destroyed. OR says the scandal is important because it involves one of the top officials in the Obama administration and the willful destruction of evidence against the nation’s biggest abortion business.
The video gives a brief explanation of the political climate that led to the destruction of documents that supported criminal charges filed in 2007 by Kline alleging that Planned Parenthood committed felonies by forging documents to cover for misdemeanor failure to maintain records. The timeline has been updated to include information from recently unsealed records that detail Kline’s efforts to investigate criminal conduct at Planned Parenthood from the time he was elected as Attorney General in 2003, through his tenure as Johnson County District Attorney and beyond.
The timeline includes links to important court documents, including a copy of one set of forms, the original of which were destroyed by the Sebelius-controlled Kansas Department of Health and Environment and copies destroyed by Sebelius-appointed Steve Six.
“This criminal prosecution is important because at stake is no less than $350 million dollars in Federal tax money that flows to Planned Parenthood every year – under the condition that their affiliates all obey the law,” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman.
Newman continued: “This case against Planned Parenthood has been eight years in the making, but now we find out that it has been subverted by governmental corruption tracked back to Kathleen Sebelius. This is completely unacceptable. It shakes the public’s confidence that the system can work. We call on the authorities to conduct a thorough investigation and aggressively prosecute all those who have obstructed justice to protect Planned Parenthood in order to put a final end to corruption and restore the public’s trust.”
View the Timeline & Video, complete with links to additional documents and sources.