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Friday, November 18, 2011

Occupy Wall Street: Lawlessness & Communist Revolution

Written by William F. Jasper
Friday, 18 November 2011 14:15

Predictably, the eviction of hundreds of Occupy Wall Street (OWS) squatters from their squalid “tent city” in Manhattan’s Zuccotti Park on Tuesday, November 15, brought howls of protest from the ACLU and liberal-left commentators in the major media.

New York City Police arrested dozens of OWS activists who refused to leave Zuccotti, and on November 16 and 17 arrested hundreds more who tried to reoccupy the park or who attempted to disrupt business at the nearby New York Stock Exchange. Dozens more protesters were arrested on the 17th when they attempted to block traffic on the Brooklyn Bridge. OWS activists in Chicago, Seattle, and other cities also attempted to block or close down bridges as part of a “Day of Disruption” strategy.

For more than two months, the privately owned Zuccotti Park has been jam-packed with thousands of protesters, tourists, journalists, and media camera crews. Local residents and business owners have complained that the OWS invasion has caused the 33,000-square-foot “pocket park” to become a magnet for crime and disruptive, unruly, and unsanitary behavior, including public urination and defecation, public lewdness, nudity, vandalism, assaults, theft, and illegal drug use.

This writer visited Zuccotti five times during the period of October 11-16. The packed space did indeed reek of raw sewage, unbathed bodies, and marijuana. And, contrary to the OWS propagandists and their media allies, the occupiers do not in any way resemble the 99 percent of Americans they claim to represent. Unlike the much larger Tea Party events all across the country over the past several years that drew millions of working-class and middle-class Americans fed up with run-away government spending, taxing, and regulation, the Occupy Wall Street gatherings can be aptly described (for the most part) as counter-culture freak shows: bongo-banging tie-dyed Sandalistas and Woodstock wannabes spouting Marxoid drivel and socialist cant. Banners and posters featuring images of, and quotes from, Marx, Lenin, Mao, and Che Guevara, are plentiful. Some protesters do indeed also invoke Jefferson and Madison, but usually in a manner intended to fuse the statements of America’s Founding Fathers into an endorsement of anarchism, communism, or socialism.

Most of the liberal-left media commentators have tried to downplay or even deny the dominance of the OWS demonstrations by the extreme, radical fringe elements. Matthew Yglesias, for instance, writing for The New Republic, claims: “The notion that Occupy Wall Street is a fundamentally radical anti-capitalist movement is completely without foundation.”

According to Yglesias, “The participation of some radicals in the initial organization of the Zuccotti Park protest shouldn’t distract from the fact that the movement has grown by attracting a diverse set of adherents united primarily by an appropriate sense of grievance.”

Similarly, Jonathan Cohn and John B. Judis, senior editors at The New Republic, assert (in “Why Liberals Should Embrace Occupy Wall Street”) that the OWS activists are just normal, plain, peace-loving folks, in marked contrast (supposedly) to those vicious Tea Party activists. Cohn and Judis acknowledge that the actions of “members of an extreme antiwar clique free-riding on the Occupy protests and invading the Air and Space Museum, a favorite weekend destination for visiting tourists and their children, in order to protest a display of drones” were probably counterproductive. But, they claim, “These actions are not on a par with Tea Party members spitting on Rep. Emanuel Cleaver.... They pose no serious threat to civility or order. Most important, they do not seem emblematic of the movement as a whole.”

The main problem with the Cohn-Judis claim above is that there is no proof the alleged Tea Party spitting incident ever took place, and much reason to believe that the entire incident is fictitious. Nevertheless, it has been repeated so many times by the anti-Tea Party media mavens that the myth has become fact in the minds of many on the Left. However, even if that incident had occurred as claimed by those who seem to believe it, it would constitute one minor act of incivility by a small group of individuals out of millions who have participated in numerous Tea Party events. As such, it would hardly justify the accusations and levels of attack aimed at the entire Tea Party movement.

This is where the Occupy Wall Street mobs stand in stark contrast to the Tea Party. Tea Party events, although much larger, were devoid of the crime (rape, theft, assaults, vandalism) that have marred the OWS venues. The Tea Party organizers paid for permits, police, security, and porta-potties, and cleaned up after themselves; they did not stick the taxpayers with the tab. They did not camp out for days, weeks, and months on end, making nuisances of themselves; they responsibly exercised their rights to assemble and express themselves without violating the rights of others to use the same public spaces.

Cohn and Judis show where their hearts really are. Along with “the continuing protest against autocratic government in Ohio and Wisconsin,” they say, the OWS demonstrations “represent a genuine spark of grassroots political action — a chance, finally, to redeem the promise of Obama’s 2008 campaign.” “We have to make sure we don’t squander it,” say the TNR duo.

The “protests” in Ohio and Wisconsin, need we remind, are similarly violent, lawless, criminal occupations that have resulted in massive vandalism, disruption of traffic and government services and violation of the rights of other citizens who do not share the protesters' aims. The OWS abuses that Cohn and Judis admit to are not rare exceptions, but are indeed “emblematic of the movement as a whole.”

Also emblematic are the extreme fringe beliefs of the OWS “99 percenters.” The liberal-left media choir searched largely in vain to find extreme elements among the Tea Party throngs and shrieked in mock horror whenever they thought they had discovered an intemperate or insensitive sign hypercritical of President Obama. This was evidence, they insisted, of Tea Party racism and neo-Nazi sympathies.

But when it comes to Occupy Wall Street, there is no need to speculate. The leading activists openly display their Communist, Marxist, Socialist, Anarchist affiliations and orientations. One would have to be willfully blind and totally dishonest not to notice this. In this writer’s visits to Ziccotti Park, it was impossible to take more than a few steps without seeing publications of the Communist Party, Revolutionary Communist Party, Communist Workers Party, Socialist Party, Socialist Workers Party, Working Families Party, etc., as well as prominent posters with the communist hammer and sickle or the communist clenched fist symbol. In fact, the "official" website has adopted the communist clenched fist as the symbol for its homepage — as have many of the derivative websites...
finish reading at source: TNA