Richard Trumka, that fearless leader of the AFL-CIO, is a strange bird indeed. He uses the lexicon of Marx and Lenin, has a mustache that looks like it’s glued on, and emanates a rage previously reserved for Alec Baldwin voicemails. As a union man, he’s accustomed to living off the public dole, and since Obama assumed the presidency, has enjoyed seeing billions of taxpayer dollars used to prop up union causes and industries (like the very Detroit automakers unions previously destroyed).

And although the money Obama threw at Detroit will result in a $23.6 billion loss for the American people, Trumka is unrepentant because it keeps his union operational and other Leninist outposts going strong as well.
Here’s the problem – Trumka is a taker. Take, take, take, take, and after taking, all he can do is demand more. (He’s like a kid whose parents never taught the meaning of “no.”) Thus it comes as no surprise he now stands in “solidarity” with the hippies and freaks that constitute #OccupyWallStreet, which is another group of takers. Rather than work they take over public parks, march in the streets, throw rocks through windows, all while moaning that the rich won’t hand over more of their money to the unwashed masses.
To date, the occupy movements have been marred by death, sexual assaults, kidnappings, drug use, attacks on policemen, masturbation in front of children, destruction of property, defecation in the streets, and a couple of bullets fired at the White House (all harmlessly enough I’m sure). And through it all, these takers have been backed by unions who are best served by dividing one portion of Americans against another using the tired rhetoric of workers v. the rich or the 99% v. the 1% or the proletariat v. the bourgeoisie.
Of course Trumka isn’t without his supporters. President Obama lets him travel for free on taxpayer funded government jets in September and that freak of nature Michael Moore joins Trumka in outrage over the fact that the police in various cities are finally cracking down on occupiers.
Trumka’s latest stunt is to call for occupiers to fill up bridges in cities around the nation today at 4 pm. As part of “National Occupy Bridge Day,” the plan is to shut down traffic on bridges leading in and out of major U.S. cities in order to get Obama’s jobs bill passed. I wonder how creating a public nuisance certain to outrage people driving home from their jobs is going to raise support for legislation designed to dump more money into the pockets of union thugs and hippies like those in #OccupyWallStreet?
Trumka is an embarrassment. And with a mustache like that, he’d be hard to take seriously were he not inciting mobs to riot in our streets and wage war on real working people.
source: BigGov

And although the money Obama threw at Detroit will result in a $23.6 billion loss for the American people, Trumka is unrepentant because it keeps his union operational and other Leninist outposts going strong as well.
Here’s the problem – Trumka is a taker. Take, take, take, take, and after taking, all he can do is demand more. (He’s like a kid whose parents never taught the meaning of “no.”) Thus it comes as no surprise he now stands in “solidarity” with the hippies and freaks that constitute #OccupyWallStreet, which is another group of takers. Rather than work they take over public parks, march in the streets, throw rocks through windows, all while moaning that the rich won’t hand over more of their money to the unwashed masses.
To date, the occupy movements have been marred by death, sexual assaults, kidnappings, drug use, attacks on policemen, masturbation in front of children, destruction of property, defecation in the streets, and a couple of bullets fired at the White House (all harmlessly enough I’m sure). And through it all, these takers have been backed by unions who are best served by dividing one portion of Americans against another using the tired rhetoric of workers v. the rich or the 99% v. the 1% or the proletariat v. the bourgeoisie.
Of course Trumka isn’t without his supporters. President Obama lets him travel for free on taxpayer funded government jets in September and that freak of nature Michael Moore joins Trumka in outrage over the fact that the police in various cities are finally cracking down on occupiers.
Trumka’s latest stunt is to call for occupiers to fill up bridges in cities around the nation today at 4 pm. As part of “National Occupy Bridge Day,” the plan is to shut down traffic on bridges leading in and out of major U.S. cities in order to get Obama’s jobs bill passed. I wonder how creating a public nuisance certain to outrage people driving home from their jobs is going to raise support for legislation designed to dump more money into the pockets of union thugs and hippies like those in #OccupyWallStreet?
Trumka is an embarrassment. And with a mustache like that, he’d be hard to take seriously were he not inciting mobs to riot in our streets and wage war on real working people.
source: BigGov