Let's hope not. For one thing France is today, and in a shorter time, more socialist than we are. Our Constitution for individuals' liberties is superior, yet "we the people" send people to represent us who denigrate it, and tolerate its decay and abuse. Second, while violence may be thought of as an alternative, today we have the UN which could summon world troops to our soil expeditiously to crush us. Ron Paul has pointed us in the right direction, but will we snore on, and look to the problem of Government for the solution?
Would you deny that America is well on its way to creating her very own "committee of public safety"?
Would you deny that America is well on its way to creating her very own "committee of public safety"?
Oh ye of the Third Estate, take heed!
What About the French Revolution?
Friday, November 18, 2011 – by Staff Reportfrom The Daily Bell
We are increasingly believers in "directed history" – history that's coordinated by a power elite intent on creating one-world government. We've written a good deal about the directed history we're seeing as regards Occupy Wall Street. We think that the movement has been set up to be divisive and ultimately to reinforce the power of the state. Out of chaos ... order.
That's probably the reason the movement has no agenda. The people at the top who are manipulating the movement know what they want to achieve and are doing so in order to trigger increased social discord. The ultimate aim, perhaps, is to enhance world government. We've explained the parallelism here: VIDEO: Parallels Between Early 20th Century and Present Are Scary.
But there are even more parallels. The Tea Party movement in America was organic to begin with. It was a bit like the American Revolution. But having observed the American Revolution, the power elite of the day (from what we can tell) fomented the French Revolution.
That's how long the modern conspiracy to set up world government has been going on, in our view – about 300 years, maybe since the founding of the Illuminati. The American Revolution, manipulated as it may have been, ultimately was in a sense anti-government and focused on individual freedom.
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English: The Third Estate carrying the Clergy and the Nobility on its back Français : Le Tiers-État portant le Clergé et la Noblesse sur son dos. |
The French Revolution was set up deliberately to be "pro-government" – or pro-force at any rate. It was designed to defuse classical liberalism and freedom by proposing that government in the hands of an expert technocracy could "perfect" society and humankind.
Post revolution, between 1789 and September 1791, the French National Assembly reformed the ancient regime. They accomplished this with six basic statements, according to the website Modern European Intellectual History. Here are three of six. We've substituted the word "bankster" for "clergy" and "monarch" ...
•the abolition of special privileges of BANKSTERS through the legalization of equality (August 4, 1789)
•they subordinated BANKSTERS to the State. In November 1789, the National Assembly confiscated all BANKSTER property. And in early 1790, they passed the civil constitution, which reduced the power of the BANKSTERS who were now selected and paid by the State
•in September 1791, the National Assembly drew up a constitution, something it had been trying to do since June 1789. The constitution of 1791 specified such liberal ideas as limited BANKSTERS and full equality before the law
"Populist" movements like the French Revolution rarely end well because they are expressions mostly of anger and envy. They are not rational. They eat their own. That's what happened then as the movement began with the idea of overthrowing the regime and ended up by trying to "perfect" society using the power of the state.
Here is a Wikipedia summary:
The French Revolution (1789–1799), sometimes distinguished as the 'Great French Revolution' (La Grande Révolution), was a period of radical social and political upheaval in France and Europe. The absolute monarchy that had ruled France for centuries collapsed in three years. French society underwent an epic transformation as feudal, aristocratic and religious privileges evaporated under a sustained assault from radical left-wing political groups, masses on the streets, and peasants in the countryside. Old ideas about tradition and hierarchy - of monarchy, aristocracy and religious authority - were abruptly overthrown by new Enlightenment principles of equality,citizenship and inalienable rights.
The French Revolution began in 1789 with the convocation of the Estates-General in May. The first year of the Revolution saw members of the Third Estate proclaiming the Tennis Court Oath in June, the assault on the Bastille in July, the passage of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen in August, and an epic march on Versailles that forced the royal court back to Paris in October. The next few years were dominated by tensions between various liberal assemblies and a right-wing monarchy intent on thwarting major reforms.
A republic was proclaimed in September 1792 and King Louis XVI was executed the next year. External threats also played a dominant role in the development of the Revolution. The French Revolutionary Wars started in 1792 and ultimately featured spectacular French victories that facilitated the conquest of the Italian Peninsula, the Low Countries and most territories west of the Rhine – achievements that had defied previous French governments for centuries.
Internally, popular sentiments radicalized the Revolution significantly, culminating in the rise of Maximilien Robespierre and the Jacobins and virtual dictatorship by the Committee of Public Safety during the Reign of Terror from 1793 until 1794 during which between 16,000 and 40,000 people were killed. After the fall of the Jacobins and the execution of Robespierre, the Directory assumed control of the French state in 1795 and held power until 1799, when it was replaced by the Consulate under Napoleon Bonaparte.
After the Napoleonic Wars and ensuing rise and fall of Napoleon's First French Empire, a restoration of absolutist monarchy was followed by two further successful smaller revolutions (1830 and 1848). This meant the 19th century and process of modern France taking shape saw France again successively governed by a similar cycle of constitutional monarchy (1830-48), fragile republic (Second Republic) (1848-1852), and empire (Second Empire) (1852-1870). The modern era has unfolded in the shadow of the French Revolution. The growth of republics and liberal democracies, the spread of secularism, the development of modern ideologies and the invention of total war all mark their birth during the Revolution.
Below is a short video narrative of the French Revolution. It is simple and direct and written apparently by a high school student. We recommend it for the blunt arc of its narrative, even if it contains some factual flaws. Young people, not being so sophisticated their elders, sometimes see more clearly ...
(Video from byustudent2012's YouTube user channel.)
source: TheDailyBell