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Thursday, December 22, 2011

The Fuhrer’s Christmas

December 22, 2011

By David Loden, Boogai Staff

To dominate Germany, Adolph Hitler sought to marginalize the church to ensure that Christian influence did not form government policy. Since Hitler knew what was “best” for Germany, the state would have to be sanitized from Christianity.

Christmas was relegated to a pagan festival and was changed to Dec. 21, the date of the winter solstice. Prayer, carols and nativity plays were forbidden in schools. In 1938, the name Christmas was changed to Yuletide. Only secularized religion would be tolerated to insure compatibility with the state’s commitment to the greater “good” of a revived Germany.

Using words such as “freedom” and “tolerance,” Hitler promoted his “Positive Christianity” to appear pro-religious. However, to silence criticism from orthodox churches, Hitler created new laws and arrested pastors who “broke” them. Other churches began to accept Hitler’s “two spheres doctrine,” which promulgated Christ as Lord of the church, but the Kaiser (Caesar) as the lord over the political sphere.

These lukewarm, compromising churches lost any influence to stem the Nazi tide.

Believing rights originated from God, America’s Framers wrote our Constitution as a barricade against tyrannical government, but Germany accepted that rights came from Hitler and paid the price. Could this happen to America?

David Loden is a teacher,  loves and respects the U.S. Constitution and wants to ensure we do not lose our nation. Source