The internet bio of one Robert L. Borosage appears innocuous enough, doesn't it? Afterall, who can find anything wrong with helping the "poor", "minorities", "women's rights" and "human rights" causes all his adult life. With $$millions of help from the US taxpayer via tax-exempt foundations Borosage has accomplished much of his goal in dismantling America as she was conceived by our Founding Fathers.
Robert L. Borosage Connections |
From what we could find out, Borosage has never worked a job outside of academia, liberal media, and radical tax-sheltered political agitation foundations.
He is former president of the Marxist
Institute for Policy Studies [IPS], and a founder of the subversive
Center for National Security Studies [CNSS] in 1974. Borosage did much to install Communist regimes in Central America under cloak of deception of 'eliminating dictatorships'.
As the campaign advisor to the "Rev." Jesse Jackson's run for US President in 1988, we don't know what he has to say about the reverend's son being on the block:
Ethics Committee Extends Investigation into Jesse Jackson Jr.
HuffPost is, indeed, a solid advocate for a totalitarian future for America. A re-election of Obama would sit just fine with them, but any Socialist/communist-minded Dem is suitable. A Neocon could fit the bill just fine, too. Be reminded that neo-conservatism has its roots in
Socialist America. Borosage is just one of the pied pipers leading us on that path.
Robert L. Borosage is the founder and president of the Institute for America’s Future and co-director of its sister organization, the Campaign for America’s Future. The organizations were launched by 100 prominent Americans to develop the policies, message and issue campaigns to help forge an enduring majority for progressive change in America.
Mr. Borosage writes widely on political, economic and national security issues. He is a Contributing Editor at
The Nation magazine, and a regular blogger on the
Huffington Post. His articles have appeared in
The American Prospect, the
Washington Post, the
New York Times and the
Philadelphia Inquirer. He edits the Campaign’s
Making Sense issues guides, and is co-editor of
Taking Back America (with Katrina Vanden Heuvel) and
The Next Agenda (with Roger Hickey).
Borosage is the founder and board chair of Progressive Majority, an organization devoted to recruiting and training progressive to run for state and local office. He is co founder and chair of, an organization that provides a bridge between progressives in the Congress and the progressive community. He serves on the board of Working America, a grassroots organization of working Americans, and the Institute for Policy Studies, a progressive research institute.
A graduate of Yale Law School, with a graduate degree in International Affairs from George Washington University, Borosage left the practice of law to found the Center for National Security Studies in 1974. The Center focused on the tension between civil rights and the national security powers and prerogatives of the executive branch. It played a leading role in the efforts to investigate the intelligence agencies in the 1970s, curb their abuses, and hold them accountable in the future. At the Center, he helped to write and edit two books, The CIA File and The Lawless State. Borosage later became an adjunct professor at American University’s Washington School of Law where he taught a seminar on national security law.
In 1979, Borosage became Director of the Institute for Policy Studies, a research institute that drew its inspiration and fellowship from the major democratic movements of our time – anti-war, women’s, environmental and civil rights movements. He guided the Institute through the Reagan years, and spearheaded its challenge to the renewed Cold War, the revived nuclear arms race, and the assault on Central America. Borosage helped to found and guide Countdown 88, which succeeded in winning the congressional ban on covert action against Nicaragua. Under Borosage’s direction, the Institute expanded its fellowship, launched a successful publications program, and developed a new Washington School for congressional aides and public interest advocates.
In 1988, Borosage left the Institute to serve as senior issues advisor to the presidential campaign of the Reverend Jesse Jackson. He traveled the country with Jackson, writing speeches, framing policy responses, and providing debate preparation and assistance. He went on to advise a range of progressive political campaigns, including those of Senator Paul Wellstone, Barbara Boxer and Carol Moseley-Braun.
In 1989, Borosage founded the Campaign for New Priorities, enlisting over 100 national organizations in the call to reinvest in America in the post-Cold War era. The Campaign sponsored analyses of the military budget and of America’s unmet needs, and provided member organizations with crisp materials for publications, speeches, opinion pieces, and ads. It contributed to accelerating the cuts in military spending during the Bush presidency.
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