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Thursday, December 29, 2011


Ron Paul will probably win the 1/3/2012 Iowa Caucus, and the Republican Party is applying as much damage control as possible without fully tipping their hand — as if we all can’t see the exact cards they are holding.

For several months now, the Republican Party has enlisted their sympathetic media to gently but firmly suggest Ron Paul cannot be taken seriously as a presidential candidate for his stand on, among other things, foreign policy. What they don’t get is that most true conservative Americans totally agree with Ron Paul as soon as they find out where he stands, and more and more of them are just now reaching that epiphany.

I previously wrote that Newt Gingrich’s sudden and unexpected surge in the polls would fizzle-out and that Ron Paul would be the ultimate beneficiary of Herman Cain’s departure.

Now a former top Michelle Bachman supporter and campaign manager has defected and thrown his own support to Ron Paul. Needless to say, Ron Paul’s star is just now reaching its zenith over all the other contenders, and for most true conservative voters, it is hindsight and regret for not giving Ron Paul the chance he (and we) deserved the last presidential election that seems to be driving his popularity.

Had Ron Paul been nominated to run against Barack Obama in 2008, he’d probably have won. John McCain was just another Bush NeoCon who would have maintained the disastrous status quo of the Bush era, and a whole bunch of independent, but true conservative voters made certain that wouldn’t happen. As it turned out, electing Barack Obama was even more disastrous, but in all fairness I do not believe John McCain would have been the savior we needed either. It was when McCain added Sarah Palin as his running mate that just about sealed the Barack presidency anyway, because hardly anyone wanted NeoCon (NOT Tea Party) candidate Palin to take over the presidency if and when McCain died in office.

Had Ron Paul been elected President in 2008, at least 40% of the kids needlessly killed in Iraq would still be alive today because Ron Paul would have immediately brought them home. Half the soldiers maimed for life in Iraq would still have full use of their legs, arms and brains. There would have been no bail-out and there would have been no massive, untenable deficit approaching 16 TRILLION dollars. The Department of Education and the IRS would be but a foul memory because President Paul would have eliminated all unconstitutional federal agencies like Education and he would have pushed to adopt the Fair Tax system that would have eliminated 90% of the IRS. No private citizen would ever have to file another 1040 tax return and pay a tax preparer to sort out his/her mess every year, and the government tax revenues would actually increase because all money would be taxed at point of sale instead of forcing the citizens to, “voluntarily”, report their income and deductions...
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