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Thursday, January 26, 2012

Scared by PM Volatility? Identify Severe Undervaluation Points in Gold & Silver

For a new investor in gold and silver, here is the most lucid piece of advice I can offer.

Identifying severe undervaluation points in gold and silver, buying gold and silver assets during these times, and not worrying about interim short-term volatility, even if the immediate volatility is downward, is much more likely to impact your accumulation of wealth in a positive manner than trying to perfectly time market tops and bottoms in the highly manipulated gold and silver game.

I am posting this article today to help all gold and silver investors, especially those new to the game, to frame their perspectives about gold and silver price behavior in the proper manner. I hope this article helps gold and silver investors so stand firm and maintain their faith in the face of anti-gold, anti-silver banker propaganda and that it helps investors to identify significant corrections in gold and silver as huge buying opportunities, and not as times of despair, that do not require perfect timing to yield very significantly rewards. During the last week of 2011 and the first couple of weeks of 2012, I posted two articles on our blog that I felt would be critical to investment success this year.

Did Bankers Deliberately Crash MF Global to Crash Gold and Silver Prices?
Gold & Silver Banker-Cartel Prolonged Price Suppression Has Set the Foundation for an Explosive Move Higher in 2012

In the first article, “Did Bankers Deliberately Crash MF Global to Crash Gold and Silver Prices?” I discussed two crucial points that are important to anyone that keeps any amount of digital savings in a bank (due to the fractional reserve system, the majority of the global currency in circulation today exists in digital form only). One, bankers deliberately invented paper markets in gold and silver to kill the influence that the physical demand and supply determinants of gold and silver have over prices. Two, bankers have historically rapidly contracted and expanded paper gold and paper silver contracts (that are backed with nothing but air) to introduce volatile movements in gold and silver with the express intent of scaring people away from real money (physical gold and physical silver) and keeping people invested in their bogus paper and mostly digital money (Euros, USD, Yuan, Yen, Pounds Sterling, etc.).

In relation to the MF Global debacle, we released private messages to our members that warned them that the MF Global liquidation and theft of client assets provided hard direct proof and critical legal precedent, that in the event of a bankruptcy of a major financial firm, clients had zero rights and property theft was now being sanctioned by and approved of by the State. There are still millions of people today that don’t understand the very dangerous precedent that MF Global set for future bankruptcies of financial firms that WILL HAPPEN in coming years.

If you have not been keeping up-to-date with the MF Global dispute over hundreds of millions of dollars of client money, then I highly urge you to read these three articles below:

MF Global Clients May Lose in $700 Million Bankruptcy Fight
SW Minnesota Farmer Testifies in Commodity Scam

How JP Morgan And George Soros Ended Up With MF Global Customer Money

The first MF Global article shows you that it is still a strong possibility that clients will lose $700+ million of their money they had with MF Global before it declared their bankruptcy.

That is not a sum to sneeze at by any means. The second MF Global article is in regard to a Minnesota farmer that has not been able to recover $253,000 he held at MF Global. The farmer claimed, “This money was real money in real banks. It wasn't under somebody's mattress,” a statement that underscores the lack of understanding about our monetary system that exists among the masses. In fact, the opposite of what the farmer stated is becoming true today. The vast majority of money that is used in global financial transactions today exists only in digital form, not even in paper form, so paper money stored under one’s mattress is more “real” than any digital bytes on a computer at your bank. Secondly, real money is not fiat digital or paper currency but real money is physical gold and physical silver, NOT paper gold and paper silver as those that bought gold futures contracts with MF Global, hoping to take delivery of physical gold with their paper contracts, sadly discovered. The third MF Global article emphasizes, just as the US & many EU countries demonstrated during the 2008 free fall of financial stocks, that lawmakers and regulators are in the back pockets of bankers and will always change the laws at their whim to benefit the bankers and to defraud the people... Read much more>> ZeroHedge