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Monday, April 9, 2012

Attorney General Eric Holder Lies About Voter Fraud - vid

US Attorney General Eric Holder's Ballot to Vote Offered to Total Stranger 

Poll Workers on Primary Day in Washington, DC offer US Attorney General Eric H Holder's ballot to vote... to a complete Stranger. Other voting locations in Washington, DC offer to sign for ballots. Eric Holder has said multiple times there exists no evidence of Voter Fraud.

This proves without a doubt that not only is the DNC lying but so is Holder ----- the proof is up in their face - -"I'll be back *faster* than you can say *furious*" Priceless !!!!!! Good job getting this on video !!

A new undercover video by conservative filmmaker James O’Keefe shows a man being offered Attorney General Eric Holder’s District of Columbia ballot. The poll worker caught on film tells the cameraman that he doesn’t need to see identification.

The video, released Monday, contrasts clips from the “sting” with quotes from Holder saying that voter fraud is generally “a problem that does not exist.” Holder’s Justice Department has blocked voter ID laws in South Carolina and Texas on grounds that include the supposed superfluity of those laws.