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Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Is it Time for Americans to Take up Arms?

Are We Too Late to Stop the Police State?

By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor

What have things come down to when a mainstream democrat, reluctant “Obamacare” supporter tells you the guy he has voted for and, worst of all, may suggest voting for again, has lost his friggin’ mind?

When Obama signed the National Defense Authorization Act, apologizing for the sections that ended our constitution, civil trials, all human rights in America, I suspected something was going on I didn’t see.  How could Obama do this?  How could he break so many promises?

Homeland Security Buys Nearly 1 Billion Rounds of This Illegal Ammunition

I remember 1999 when the Project for a New American Century called for a “New Pearl Harbour” and only a few months after they get into office, an illegal act on a 5/4 Supreme Court vote in itself, the World Trade Center is blown up and the Pentagon attacked.
Anyone who still believes any of that is coincidence, please go elsewhere.

Then we get a new law, it allows the government to arrest demonstrators at locations it deems “government related?”  Are we talking Dick Cheney’s heart transplant party here?  With no hard definition, this is martial law.  Even with one, it is blatantly unconstitutional, same as with the NDAA.

Then the Supreme Court decides to allow police to strip search anyone, anywhere for any reason.  If this isn’t considered unconstitutional, remember the language, “unreasonable search,” I don’t know what is?

Then we have the DHS, the Department of Homeland Security, a name I find offensive, buying 750,000,000 rounds of .40 cal hollow point ammunition.  Who for?


Even the army can’t use it, they are 9mm and hollow points are illegal, police don’t use them, the army can’t, but the DHS has enough to fight WW2 twice over and more.  In fact, the ammunition being purchased in massive quantities is specifically designed, not to wound or even just to kill.  It is designed to maim, to cause injuries that will eliminate any need for emergency treatment as the video above makes abundantly clear.

Nearly a billion rounds.


Sounds to me like someone is both afraid and planning something.

Sounds to me like our government is afraid of the people of the United States, the “electorate” they are meant to “serve” not “rule” and are planning to use all this force and these extremely illegal laws against our own country.

It seems to me like the government of the United States is, in itself, planning a rebellion against America.  Passing laws that violate the constitution is a crime.

In many states, it is now illegal, not just  to protest anything but to photograph police?  What do they have to hide?  If you don’t want to be photographed, it seems to me you are planning to commit a crime.  If you don’t like evidence, then move to a police state where trials and evidence don’t count.

Are we there already?

There are three primary issues that have changed in America.  I can’t say these, in particular, are the driving forces for the acceleration of events leading to increased police powers, government’s assault on human rights and the general feeling, the “fear of government” that millions of Americans of varied political and social beliefs are now expressing...Finish reading @Source