...Way Back When, It Was A Means To Usurp/Destroy The Gold/Silver Standard ~ Only Then To Be Replaced By Rothschild’s Keynesian Economics ‘Derivative Fiat Paper’
April 5, 2012 by Volubrjotr
In 1900, Rothschild’s Britain invaded the Boer Republics, stole the gold mines, turned the Western Transvaal into a “smoking desert” (in their own words), imprisoned 110,000 women and children in concentration camps where 28,000 of them died, then, after the war, they tried and shot 2 Boer officers for “misusing a flag of truce”! You’re wasting your time looking for justice in any post-war trial. They are simply a continuation of the war. [Interview] CARLOS W. PORTER
[Red Cross put Dachau at 18,000, Auschwitz at 53,000 deaths. Rothschild's Boer Concentration Camps ~ A report after the war concluded that 27,927 Boers (of whom 24,074 [50% of the Boer child population] were children under 16) had died of starvation, disease and exposure in the concentration camps. In all, about one in four (25%) of the Boer inmates, mostly children, died.]
English term "concentration camp" was first used to describe camps
operated by the British in South Africa during this conflict. (1900 -
The British got defeated in Battle time and time again by Boer forces much smaller than them.. So they tried a new tactic by taking all the Boer fighters women and children and sending them to concentration camps. The first Concentration Camps.
The Rothschild British Should Have Never Been Here!
British Concentration Camps
Just over a century ago during the Boer War, the British were responsible for about 27,000 deaths of innocent women and children who were rounded up and placed in British concentration camps after burning them out of their own farms and settlements in (now) South Africa.The Second War of Independence was fought from 1899 to 1902 when England laid her hands on the mineral riches of (Transvaal) under the false pretense of protecting the rights of the foreigners who swarmed to the Transvaal gold fields.
On the battlefield England failed to get the better of the Boers (Dutch-descendants), and then decided to stoop to a full-scale war against the Boer women and children, employing a holocaust to force the burghers to surrender.
Under the command of Kitchener, Milner and Roberts, more than homesteads and farms belonging to Boer people were plundered and burned down. Animals belonging to the Boers were killed in the cruelest ways possible while the women, whose men were on the battlefield, had to watch helplessly. The motive behind this action was the destruction of the farms in order to prevent the fighting burghers from obtaining food, and to demoralize the Boers by leaving their women and children homeless on the open field.
The Second Boer War – Howick Concentration Camp.
However, England misjudged the steel of the Boer people. Despite their desperate circumstances, the women and children managed to survive fairly well in the open and their men continued their fight against the [foreign] invader.More severe measures had to be taken. The English hoarded the Boer women and children into open cattle trucks or drove them on foot to concentration camps. To the world, England pretended to act very humanely by caring for the fighting Boers’ women and children in “refugee camps”.
The Cape Argus of 21 June 1900 clearly states that the destitution of these women and children was the result of the English’s plundering of farms: “Within 10 miles we (the English) burned not less than six farm homesteads. Between 30 and 40 homesteads were burned and totally destroyed between Bloemfontein and Boshoff. Many others were also burned down. With their houses destroyed, the women and children were left in the bitter South African winter in the open.” The British history text book says nothing about this.
Awfully generous of the English to care for those whose houses they destroyed!
The Boer Fight For Freedom
Breytenbach writes in Danie Theron: “The destruction was undertaken in a diabolic way and even Mrs Prinsloo, a 22 year old lady who gave birth to a baby only 24 hours ago in the house of Van Niekerk, was not spared. A group of rude tommies (British soldiers), amongst whom a so-called English doctor, forced their way into her room, and after making a pretence of examining her, they drove her out of the house. With the aid of her sister, she managed to don a few articles of clothing and left the house. Her mother brought a blanket to protect her against the cold. The soldiers robustly jerked the blanket out of her mother’s hands and after having looted whatever they wanted to, put the house to fire. Afterwards the old man was driven on foot to Kroonstad by mounted kakies (British soldiers), while his wife and daughter (Mrs Prinsloo) were left destitute on the scorched farm.”England’s claim of caring for the Boer women reminds one of somebody who boasts to have saved the life of someone he himself has pushed into the water. However, there is one vital difference: The holocaust on the Boer women and children began in all earnest once they had been forced into the concentration camps under the “care” of the British!
Despite the English claims that the concentration camps were “voluntary refugee camps” the following questions must be asked:
- From whom did the refugees flee? Certainly not from their own husbands and sons!
- How can the fact that the “voluntary” women and children had to be dragged to the concentration camps by force be explained?
- Why should the “voluntary refugee camps” be enclosed by barbed wire fences and the inmates be overseen by armed wardens? Kimberley camp had a five meter high barbed wire fence and some camps even had two or three fences!
was not the first to use the concentration camp. Long before World War
II, the British used this secured "camp" where civilian enemies were
placed. It was 1900. The conflict was the Boer War, and the victims were
the Dutch settlers in South Africa.
The Creation Of Hitler Part 1 Of 6
Hitler received training at the Tavistock Institute in London.
In this 6 part series Greg Hallett explains the workings of the
global family network of The Royals, the Paedeophiles, the Tavistock
Brainwashing for war, and the global war of the Rothschilds. Hitler was
also a Rothschild.... Read more @Source