Mitt Romney is not the GOP candidate for president and if he ever is it will be as a result of election fraud so blatant that it would make a Russian blush. It now appears that these elitist traitors are going to declare their fraudulent count of the delegates as matter of fact in an attempt to ram Mitt Romney down the throats of a population that does not even want him on the same planet as them.
It is being reported that Dr. Paul’s legal defense team has given the go ahead for parties in Oklahoma to go forth with the filing of criminal charges for the election fraud which occurred there and of course not a word about this in the mainstream. The fact is these elitist meat puppets are going straight to the final act and have begun the process wherein they begin inserting the concept of the lesser of two evils.
It goes like this. Some two bit, sleazy, tripe eating, scum bag propagandist like Chris Matthews says, “That Mitt Romney is an elitist dirt bag who, as CEO of Bain Capital, dismantled factories in the United States, shipped them overseas, made enormous profits of which he stashed in offshore accounts, to be invested in the further destruction in the little industry left in the United States.” And you know what? It is the truth.
Then some two bit, sleazy, tripe eating, scum bag propagandist like Bill O’Reilly says, “No, no, Barack Obama is far worse. He has given billions in stimulus to his Wall Street cohorts who have used the money to build factories in China, India, South Korea, Mexico, and Brazil, which has further facilitated the destruction of the US economy and the loss of US jobs with the intent of destroying the middle class and bringing the US into the one world soviet union as just another slave state.” And again, of course it is true.
This is how it is supposed to go, back and forth right up until November and the ultimate question, “Which two bit, treasonous scum bag do you want to vote for?”
This is a fact and everyone knows it is a fact. Of course there is absolutely no way that an honest statesman like Ron Paul can be elected. And just why is that? What are these terrible traits that bar him from the contest?

These are some pretty bad things I realize, but we cannot forget the worst and most forbidden act that Ron Paul would accomplish as president and that is withdrawing foreign aid and military support for Israel and putting the United States government back under the control of we the people rather than the Zionist Israeli government.
All that is left to see is just how long we the people are going to allow a handful of treasonous punks to push us around. If we allow Dr. Paul to be denied the GOP ticket through blatant wanton and in our faces fraud, we deserve the choice those who will have proven to be our elitist masters have decided to allow us.
God bless the Republic, death to the international corporate mafia, we shall prevail.
Source @From the Trenches