Land Destroyer: US Brookings Wants to "Bleed" Syria to Death
"Middle East memo" calls for ending ceasefire and purposefully perpetuating violence.
by Tony Cartalucci
May 28, 2012 -The Brookings Institution is a Fortune 500-chaired and funded (p. 35 .pdf) US policy think tank and represents policy makers responsible for the vast majority of both America's domestic and foreign policy. While some may naively believe President Obama or America's elected representatives sit behind their desks late at night penning America's future, in reality, they merely use their desks to rubber-stamp what think-tanks like Brookings passes to them.
An ethical person - like a politician, banker or lawyer - may know right from wrong, but unlike many of them, a moral person lives it. An Americanist first already knows that. Bankers and their government agents will always act in their own best interests. Any residual benefit flowing down to the citizens by happenstance will just be litter.