cross-posted from Raw Story
Republican crooks and neocons on the move to promote the NWO and Israeli AIPAC agendas into the next political administration - - and still with taxpayer subsidies!

According to a Monday report filed by Politico, the group calls itself YG Network, a non-profit “dedicated to supporting center-right policies and the efforts of policymakers who fight for those policies,” their website explains.
Cantor, along with House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI) and deputy whip Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), authored the 2010 book “Young Guns: A New Generation of Conservative Leaders.”
A YG Network aide who spoke to Politico said that loyalty to McCarthy’s priorities might also trigger ad buys.
The group’s first ad buy is relatively small — about $60,000 — and will focus on eight specific districts where members have supported Cantor and McCarthy’s issues, Politico added.