Posted below is a response to the advert which appeared on the Pages
of The New York Times (See THIS post) …. also see this hateful video to
know what we are dealing with. Presented is a letter sent to the Editor
at the Times. Let’s see if it is fit for them to print, or would they
prefer to get it in the form of an ad with a check enclosed …
Just how much Freedom of the Press is there?
Dear New York Times Presstitutes:
Kindly look at all these Palestinian children. Source WRH

And just so they don't feel left out, here are some Jewish kids.

So, tell us all again, New York Times, just who is inciting the murder of whose children?
Source: WRH
Just how much Freedom of the Press is there?
Dear New York Times Presstitutes:
Kindly look at all these Palestinian children. Source WRH

And just so they don't feel left out, here are some Jewish kids.

So, tell us all again, New York Times, just who is inciting the murder of whose children?
Source: WRH