A veritable war of words is erupting online between two commenters over what should be done about Obama’s eligibility or lack thereof. When one guy said words to the effect that we’re stuck with what we bought because “how could we justify being the most militarily-powerful nation on earth if we don’t even bother to make sure the man in charge is legitimate,” another guy came back with keyboard keys blaring. He reminds his opponent that “There is an oath to support the Constitution in Article Six that all congressmen and senators take when entering office.” This was in answer to Commenter A, who said, “So in reality these congressmen ARE abiding by their oaths of office to protect and defend the Constitution since revealing the truth behind Obama would in fact undermine the sovereignty and security of the United States forever.” Commenter B cites original source and reminds A that the Twentieth Amendment, Section 3, “requires that they (Congress) ensure that the President elect shall have qualified or they, Congress, are to name an interim President.” Finish Reading: Ineligible president Costs Congress its credibility