The Latest Leftist Smear of Patriots and Constitutionalists
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One of SPLC's "Poverty Palaces", courtesy of FairAndUnbalanced |
The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) is a far-left hate group whose modus operandi is to attempt to censor criticisms of big government in America by calling people names. If you are a Jeffersonian who believes that limited and decentralized government is better than unlimited, centralized, monopolistic government, then they will label you a racist, a slavery defender, or worse. If you are a Ron Paul constitutionalist, they will insinuate that you are probably a terrorist who would like to blow up government buildings. If you are not a leftist, then you are, by definition, a "hater." If you are a critic of the welfare state, it is because you hate poor people. If you are a critic of the government school bureaucracy, it is because you hate children. If you are a critic of racial hiring quotas (which are supposedly illegal under the Civil Rights Act of 1964), then you are a racist. If you oppose socialized medicine, it is because you hate sick people. If you are a critic of the Ponzi scheme known as "social security," it is because you hate old people. There cannot possibly be any intellectual reasons to doubt government intervention; all criticisms of intervention are motivated by hate and nothing else according to the Southern Poverty Law Center.
With the advent of the TEA Party and the Republican takeover of the U.S. House of Representatives, the SPLC issued one of its cartoonish "intelligence reports" on "The Year in Hate," bemoaning the "explosive growth" of "the radical right." Everyone on the "right" is a "radical extremist." There are no radicals or extremists on the left in the eyes of the extreme radical communists at the SPLC.
A recent SPLC "intelligence report" attacks so-called "patriot groups" in America. As is its usual practice, the SPLC digs up a tiny piece of information about one or two mentally deranged lunatics somewhere in America who gripe about the government and supposedly claim to be "patriots," and then insinuate in their "report" that ALL individuals and groups who label themselves as patriots are probably just as crazy – if not dangerous.
According to the SPLC the "patriot groups" are characterized by "a proliferation of demonizing conspiracy theories." They are "conspiracy-minded groups that see the federal government as their primary enemy." That is, they are accused of spreading conspiracy theories about governmental misbehavior, with the clear implication that these people are crazy. But of course there are political conspiracies. American antitrust laws contain the words "conspiracies in restraint of trade." Nearly everything that goes on in Washington, D.C. is in fact a conspiracy on the part of some special interest group and a member or members of Congress who design legislation to benefit that group at the expense of the general public. For example, when President George W. Bush imposed 35 percent tariffs on steel imports, it was the result of a conspiracy by domestic steel manufacturers and their unions, along with their congressional supporters. The higher price of steel benefited them at the expense of all purchasers of steel and products made of steel, which became more expensive because of the tariff.
Political conspiracies are pervasive, but the SPLC wants people to believe that the kind of conspiracies the "patriot groups" believe in are of a different kind – that they are of the "Martians have been living among us for 50 years and the government has been covering it up" variety. Anyone who is skeptical about the alleged "virtues" of unlimited governmental growth is simply crazy – or so the SPLC would have the public believe.
An integral part of the Obama administration’s strategy for remaining in power is to recruit surrogate groups to suggest that any criticism of the administration’s policies are probably the work of racists who simply cannot tolerate a (half) black president. Thus, the SPLC condemns the patriot groups as being motivated primarily by "the prospect of four more years under a black president." Presumably, a black conservative or libertarian president would be just as alarming to the patriot groups according to the SPLC.
The SPLC’s patriot group report is ridiculously sloppy in its methodology in that it includes as "groups" such things as a single individual with an internet radio show that bemoans the loss of constitutional liberty in America, or a book about the decline of constitutional liberty. Two "patriot groups" that are especially demonized are Oath Keepers, an organization of current and former military and law enforcement and firefighting personnel, whose members pledge to reaffirm their oath to defend and protect the U.S. Constitution, and the Constitution Party. Finish reading @
Read our posts on the SPLC