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Sunday, July 8, 2012

VETERANS - HEADS UP! Injustice Exposed: The Secret Code on Veteran's DD214 *video*

Are you a vet or know one? Pump 'em friend!

Sunday, July 8, 2012

I hope if you have friends who have been in the military that you will forward this to them.

That they would be sent off to fight a corporate war and some of them come home with terrible, life-altering wounds and THEN have their treatment denied so that false claims can be put in against their DD214 is despicable.

It is the military mirror to the civilians who are caught up in administrative courts pretending to hold hearings on 'employees', selling the cases in the money markets, and incarcerating the 'employees'.  It's enough to make the entire universe weep.  And you can't hold anyone accountable because the attorneys are too caught up in the feeding frenzy themselves.

If this is going on in the US I'd be willing to bet it's going on in other countries under the CROWN.  (don't kid yourselves, we're just one of the plantations here in the US).  Most of the time there is nothing you can do about the news you get.  In this case there is:  pass this on to any friends you have that were or presently are in the military. 

Edwin H. Crosby III Vietnam Vet. explains the secret code on the 26,000,000 veteran's DD214 forms, and how it is used against the Veterans. Special Veteran's Forum April, 2007 Edwin H. Crosby III gave permission to upload this video. Website: More info: