Many have accused Barack Obama of being a hypocrite because he badgers Mitt Romney to release more and more of his tax records while he refuses to release hardly any records pertaining to himself. It’s easy to look at this situation and consider him a hypocrite.

Back in 1960, Dr. Fred Schwarz, founder of the Christian Anti-Communist Crusade, wrote an informative little book called You Can Trust the Communists (to be Communists). With the so-called “end” of the Cold War many would think such a book would be irrelevant.
Actually, it ought to be reprinted and given to high school students across the land to read, but I’m not holding my breath waiting for that to happen. The Marxist’s war against America and its once Christian culture did not ever end, anymore than did the War of Northern Aggression against the South end. All that happened in both cases was a shift of tactics—and the Marxist mentalities that seek to destroy America had many European ancestors fighting for the North against the South. In the Northern war against the old Confederacy when the shooting was over the next tactic became “reconstruction” and that tactic endures until this day in various forms. The fact that this country has a major problem with Marxism and cultural Marxism today is due in large measure to what happened after 1865.
Washington, D.C. has ever had a problem with those in this country that are opposed to Marxism. What they did to Joe McCarthy was a small sample of what they will try to do to anyone who dares to oppose and expose them.
At any rate, Dr. Schwarz’s excellent book explains much of the Marxist mentality and we would do well to absorb some of that knowledge for it is just as important in our day as it was sixty years ago.
Dr. Schwarz wrote: “The Communists invariably tell the ‘truth,’ but it is the Marxist-Leninist ‘truth.’ Those who believe the Communists will lie in the interests of Communism are mistaken. In fact, it is not possible for a Communist to lie in the interests of Communism. By definition, if a statement is in the interests of Communism, it is the truth.”
Also observed by Dr. Schwarz was this: “The Communists are not hypocrites. They suffer from paranoic delusions of an intense sincerity. They are so enmeshed in the delusions of Marxism-Leninism that they are beyond the scope of rational argument and conviction. All observed phenomena are interpreted within the framework of their preconceived conclusions. If they were hypocrites it would be much easier to deal with them.”
This is one reason the Marxists continue to prattle on and on about “peace” although their definition of it is not our definition. Their definition of “peace” is “absence of resistance to Marxism” and they really believe there will be no lasting peace until all that resistance is done away with. They really want “peace” and their way of obtaining it is to put their boot heel on our necks, militarily and politically.
This is one reason Obama is so radically committed to doing away with the Second Amendment. There can be no “peace” in this country until our ability to resist Marxism is totally done away with and the best way to bring about such a “peace” is to get all the guns away from those who might resist Marxist “peace.” So Obama will do whatever he has to do, legally, illegally, or by whatever means he has to use to usher in the “peace” of a Marxist America.
By the same token, this is why we need his Marxist “health care” program. Unless we have totally Marxist health care we will never, in the Marxist mind, have the health care we need.
We need a health care system totally controlled by the dictatorship of the proletariat (government). The idea of Americans being responsible for their own health care programs just sends the Marxists up the wall.
When Obama first got into office and started appointing people to various posts some were aghast because he appointed all leftists to any position he needed someone in. The comment usually was “How could he appoint that Communist to such a sensitive post?” A Marxist ideologue has no problem appointing a Communist to a super-sensitive post. As far as he is concerned no one but a Communist or radical socialist would be qualified. It’s impossible for him to think outside that box. Expecting him to think in a non-Marxist mode would be akin to expecting an Eskimo to think like an African Bushman.
I watched his tenure in office as even the conservative press first referred to him a a radical, then later on as a socialist, and as his agenda grew more obviously Marxist they finally got around to using the infamous M word. Those of us who bothered to read The Obama File on the Intenet back in 2008 knew what he was before he was elected. But nobody wanted to hear that. Calling a spade a spade was way too negative for most folks, even Christians, so they kept their heads buried in the sand and hoped all the unpleasantness would just vanish and all would be sweetness and light. It hasn’t quite worked out that way has it?
Now we have people moaning “How did it all come to this?” It all came to this because most people, Christians included, just didn’t give a hoot. They just ignored all the obvious signs—stuff too ugly to deal with, so pretend it isn’t there.
Perhaps God, in His wisdom, has decided that this culture needs to be judged and so He has given us the Marxists that we refused to deal with as part of that judgment. Christians at one point had the option of opposing Marxism and they mostly did not want to be bothered.
Evangelicals hated the John Birch society but they loved the liberal leftists to death—probably their own death but you couldn’t tell them that. I’d be willing to bet you still can’t.
In a couple days St. Hitlery will sign an agreement with the United Nations that will begin the dismantling of the Second Amendment. After that there is not much left except the beginning of Marxist “peace” in Amerika.
Source: It’s Not Hypocrisy, It’s Marxism | revisedhistory