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Wednesday, July 11, 2012

The Ship of State Is Rudderless

Dumping Obama for a white look-alike won't improve a thing. Even worse. While the "Big O" may be a Communist, Romney is a mercantilist and statist of the Alexander Hamilton mold. Monarchist all the way. Even Reagan betrayed us with H.W. Bush as VP and CFR/Trilats in all key cabinet positions.  We need more than a vision today than we ever did. One that has been left unfilled and the "blame" pushed off on others.

"In the 1930s..... it was reported that over 250,000 little defenseless American children were tossed out of their homes by parents who could not feed them. These kids went on the road in desperation and most of them were never heard of again— ever. "

The Ship of State Is Rudderless

Wednesday July 11, 2012 08:40

America is like a fleet of oil tankers or warships, adrift at sea with no rudders and no experienced fleet commander giving orders. Rather, we have a community organizer, a neighborhood PTA-type rabble rouser, sitting in the supreme commander’s chair with hands on the controls (sometimes) crashing ahead without a clue.  As we move inexorably toward economic and foreign relations disasters, we have an inexperienced, arrogant kid playing God while attempting to drive the mightiest nation in history. Americans prefer to be led – not driven with threats. This is not going to end well at all.

Numerous modern political observers offer that President Ronald Reagan was one of the best presidents in the history of the United States.  Obviously, others would argue against that statement but we think his success was attributed to simplicity of purpose.  He believed in the sanctity of the United States Constitution, Bill of Rights and the Ten Commandments.

We heartily agree.  All the rest is just nonsense and the work of busy bodies trying to re-arrange the lives of others to suit their old, stale agendas and paradigms. President Reagan had very specific goals for his presidency and he was successful in all of them including getting the Russians to back down and repairing an economic mess that he inherited from others.

Our current chief executive by comparison has no concrete plans to deal with American joblessness. He is promoting the erosion of our liberty and he takes no steps to promote free enterprise. Having come from a background where the structural foundation is one of government entitlements, he thinks this is the path for our future.  We saw a report some time ago saying Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society cost the United States $44 billion over time. Look how well that has worked out for us all.

Johnson’s $44 billion mistake is now peanuts compared to Obama’s $5 trillion tragedies (and counting).  The way things are going now, Obama will probably waste more than $44 billion on his bankrupt solar companies, General Motors and a handful of insolvent banks (who claim they are making money on the tax payer’s dime…) all before breakfast.

Many observers are too worried about the Supreme Court’s Obamacare approval. Initially, we were too.  Now, however, we see the wisdom of Justice Robert’s approval: he has attached a caveat and is calling it a TAX.  This will be a key discussion point in the forthcoming elections but beyond that… America cannot afford it anyway, so who cares?

We expect some of the intermediate and larger-sized corporations would eliminate all medical benefits under the new plan; if it ever made it to first base, which we sincerely doubt.  So, the end result is Obamacare is defeated by the congress as a bad tax or, alternatively, there is no money to pay for it as Great Depression II deepens into economic darkness.

In his speeches before the 2008 election, Obama was truthful to the extent he told us he would spread it around.  As in, rob Peter (the working man and woman) to pay Paul (the ne’er-do-wells/gimme-gimmes, who sit upon a for-life structural welfare nest, promoting communism under the guise of “social welfare fairness”).  That idea sure worked well in Europe, didn’t it?

In the Great Depression of the 1930s in the United States, there was no welfare nest, no unemployment checks and no food stamps.  Either you found a way to feed yourself and your friends and family or, you starved.  There is no way to count the dead who had starved in the 1930s, but it was reported that over 250,000 little defenseless American children were tossed out of their homes by parents who could not feed them. These kids went on the road in desperation and most of them were never heard of again— ever.

We are not saying this sad event happens again, but keep in mind there are thousands of underage kids living on the streets as they departed dysfunctional homes for many reasons.
Along with his plans for a nanny-state welfare paradise, Obama is using the presidential Executive Order as a tool to circumvent the will of the people without congressional approval. Obama has 38 czars and czarinas on his staff and they are seated with super powers and never attained approval from any insiders or, for that matter, outsiders.

These major government department heads are running amuck, showering US citizens with a truck load of nanny-state rules and illegal takings.  We can clearly see a monstrous staff of socialistic-communists bent upon imposing their personal rule and will upon the American people…all this with no legal authority.

Being “politically correct” is censorship, but just without burning books in the streets like the Nazi’s did in that era. Our new capital controls, border controls and mail censorship forces compliance where you have difficulty moving money for normal commerce and in some cases, cannot use paper documents.  For example, if you are sending a gift overseas, the documents are filed on the internet or, you cannot send the gift.  This is just a warm-up. The real fun starts later on, after Obama is re-elected by those needy welfare voters who receive all the government checks he promises to deliver…forever...  finish reading here